Label Insight - View: Certification

Modified on Thu, 21 Sep, 2023 at 10:35 AM


Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a biobased certification (materials sourced from plant, animal, marine, etc ) using only on package data for attribution.

97 Percent Biobased - Verified by ASTM97 Percent Biobased - Verified by ASTM
The 97 Percent Biobased - Verified by ASTM Certification attribute includes all products that bear the 97 Percent Biobased - Verified by ASTM Certification logo.
Biobased CertifiedBiobased Certified
The Biobased Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear a certification or logo relating to being biobased.
I'm Green - 100% Biobased ASTM VerifiedI'm Green - 100% Biobased ASTM Verified
The I'm Green - 100% Biobased ASTM Verified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the I'm Green - 100% Biobased ASTM Verified Cert logo.
I'm Green - 100% Biobased Plastic ASTM VerifiedI'm Green - 100% Biobased Plastic ASTM Verified
The I'm Green - 100% Biobased Plastic ASTM Verified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the I'm Green - 100% Biobased Plastic ASTM Verified Cert logo.
USDA Certified Biobased ProductUSDA Certified Biobased Product
The USDA Certified Biobased Product label on a product that states its third-party tested and verified biobased content. The purpose of this label is to make it easy for consumers to locate and compare biobased products for purchase. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.



1% For The Planet Member1% For The Planet Member
The 1 Percent for the Planet Member Attribute is given to products that bear the 1% For The Planet Member logo. 1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through annual membership and everyday actions. They collaborate with individual and business members to identify environmental organizations that will make the greatest impact and align with your giving goals.
American GrassfedAmerican Grassfed
The American Grassfed Cert attribute includes all products that bear the American Grassfed Cert logo.
BioChecked Grass Fed CertifiedBioChecked Grass Fed Certified
The BioChecked Grass Fed Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the BioChecked Grass Fed Certified Cert logo.
Bird Friendly Coffee (Smithsonian) CertBird Friendly Coffee (Smithsonian) Cert
The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center Bird Friendly logo guarantees that every bean is produced organically, under high-quality shade, that tropical "agroforests" are preserved and migratory birds find a healthy haven. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
Blue Angel CertificationBlue Angel Certification
The Blue Angel promotes the concerns of both environmental protection and consumer protection. Each label specifies that the product or service focuses on one of four different protection goals: health, climate, water, and resources. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
BPA FreeBPA Free
The BPA Free Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'BPA Free' logo.
BPA Free (Two Leaves)BPA Free (Two Leaves)
The BPA Free (Two Leaves) Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'BPA Free (with Two Leaves)' logo.
BPA Free 2BPA Free 2
The BPA Free 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'BPA Free 2' logo.
California Prop 65 CompliantCalifornia Prop 65 Compliant Cert
Proposition 65 was enacted as a ballot initiative in November 1986. The proposition requires businesses to inform Californians about exposure to chemicals that may cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. In 2015, bisphenol A (BPA) was added to the Prop. 65 list of chemicals.
Canadian Aerosol Information Bureau (CAIB) No CFCCanadian Aerosol Information Bureau (CAIB) No CFC
The Canadian Aerosol Information Bureau No CFC Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Canadian Aerosol Information Bureau No CFC Cert logo.
Compostable Certification attribute includes all products that present a Compostable logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 9/29/2015.
Contains No CFCsContains No CFCs
The Contains No CFCs Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Contains No CFCs' logo.
Earth Friendly Environmental Packaging CertEarth Friendly Environmental Packaging Cert
The Earth Friendly Environmental Packaging Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Earth Friendly Environmental Packaging Cert.
Eco-Friendly CertifiedEco Friendly Certified
The Eco-Friendly Certified Attribute includes all products that bear a logo that relates to being Eco-Friendly.
ECOCERT is a certification body established in France in 1991. The certification is specialized in organic agricultural products and is a proud supporter/promoter of organic farming.
EcoLogo CertifiedEcoLogo Certified
The EcoLogo certification attribute includes all products that have published the EcoLogo Certified seal on their packaging.
EcoLogo Certified 2EcoLogo Certified 2
The EcoLogo Certified by Environmental Choice certification attribute includes all products that have published the EcoLogo Certified seal by Environmental Choice on their packaging.
EU EcolabelEU Ecolabel
The EU Ecolabel Cert attribute includes all products that bear the EU Ecolabel Cert logo.
Fair Wild CertifiedFair Wild Certified
FairWild certification means that buyers - from ingredient traders up to consumers - know they are dealing with legally and sustainably harvested products.
Glyphosate Residue FreeGlyphosate Residue Free
The Glyphosate Residue Free Certification attribute includes all food and beverage products that have a published Glyphosate Residue Free Certification seal on their packaging.
Good Housekeeping - GreenGood Housekeeping - Green
Good Housekeeping Green seal is certified by Good Housekeeping. Products that bear this seal have been assessed by Good Housekeeping in accordance with Good Housekeeping's environmental criteria and are also subject to the limited warranty if proven to be defective.
Green America Approved BusinessGreen America Approved Business
The Green America Approved Business attribute is given to products that bear the Green America Approved Business logo. This logo signifies that the manufacturer is an approved member of Green America’s Green Business Network™, the leading nonprofit growing the green economy.
Green America Approved for People and Planet CertGreen America Approved for People and Planet Cert
The People & Planet Award recognizes US small businesses for their dedication to a green economy.
Green America Certified BusinessGreen America Certified Business
The Green America Certified Business attribute is given to products that bear the Green America Certified Business logo. The Certified Green Businesses are leaders in the green business field and certified under Green America's rigorous standards.
GreenChoice 100GreenChoice 100
The Green Choice 100 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Earth Choice 100' logo.
Made With True Source HoneyMade With True Source Honey
Made With True Source Honey refers to products that are specifically made with True Source Honey. True Source Honey, LLC has developed a voluntary system of traceability for participants to demonstrate their sourcing. This system permits honey to be tracked from the consumer back through the supply chain to the country of origin and the beekeeper that harvested the honey from the beehive.
Manufactured with 100% Wind PowerManufactured with 100% Wind Power
The Wind Power Cert attribute is given to product that bear the 'Wind Power' logo.
The No CFCs Attribute is given to products that bear the No CFCs logo.
One Percent for the PlanetOne Percent for the Planet
The One Percent For the Planet logo is on products signifies that the company is a 1% for the Planet Member and has committed to donating 1% of sales every year to approved environmental nonprofits.
One Percent for the Planet (2)One Percent for the Planet (2)
The One Percent for the Planet (2) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the One Percent for the Planet (2) Cert Baselogo.
PCO Certified GrassfedPCO Certified Grassfed
The PCO Certified 100% Grassfed attribute is given to food products that bear the PCO Certified 100% Grassfed logo. PCO developed the PCO 100% Grassfed certification program in response to membership interest in third-party verification of food products that are sourced from pasture. Throughout the development process, every effort was made to assure the quality and integrity of the standard.
Protect PlanetProtect Planet
The Protect Planet Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Protect Planet' logo.
Recycled MaterialsRecycled Materials
This logo can be found on products that have a symbol that declares the packaging was made from 0-100% recycled material.
Tetra PakTetra Pak
The Tetra Pak attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Tetra Pak Tetra Brik AsepticTetra Pak Tetra Brik Aseptic
The Tetra Pak Brik Aseptic attribute is given to products that bear the 'Tetra Pak Brik Aseptic' logo. Tetra Brik® Aseptic is suitable for a wide range of milk and juice-based products.
Tetra Pak Tetra Prisma AsepticTetra Pak Tetra Prisma Aseptic
The Tetra Pak Tetra Prisma Aseptic attribute is given to products that bear the 'Tetra Pak Tetra Prisma Aseptic' logo. Tetra Prisma Aseptic carton package is a roll-fed, octagonal shaped package. The prismatic shape fits in hands of all sizes, perfect for on the go consumption.
Tetra Pak Tetra RecartTetra Pak Tetra Recart
The Tetra Pak Tetra Recart Attribute is given to products that bear the 'Tetra Recart' logo. Tetra Recart® is the first carton based package for retortable canned food and a great alternative to cans and glass jars.
True Source CertifiedTrue Source Certified
True Source Certified attribute includes all products that present a True Source Certified logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 9/29/2015.
UL Green GuardUL Green Guard
The UL Green Guard Certification attribute includes all products that bear the UL Green Guard Certification logo.
US EPA Safer Choice CertUS EPA Safer Choice Cert
The USDA EPA Safer Choice Certification ensures the use of safer chemicals in products through an evaluation of the product's ingredients. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
Wild CaughtWild Caught
Wild Caught Certification attribute includes all products that present a Wild Caught logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 9/29/2015.
Wind EnergyWind Energy
The Wind Energy Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Wind Energy' logo.
Wind Energy (Certificates)Wind Energy (Certificates)
The WIND Energy (Certificates) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'WIND Energy (Certificates)' logo.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by: conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. The initial capture of the certification started on 10/1/2015.


Energy Efficiency

Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for an energy efficiency certification (energy star, high efficiency, etc ) using only on package data for attribution.

Energy Efficiency CertifiedEnergy Efficiency Certified
The Energy Efficiency Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear a certification or logo relating to being Eenrgy Efficient.
Energy StarEnergy Star
Energy Star attribute includes all products that present a Energy Star logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Energy Star PartnerEnergy Star Partner
The Energy Star Partner Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Energy Star Partner Cert logo.
High EfficiencyHigh Efficiency
The High Efficiency Attribute is given to products that bear the High Efficiency logo, which indicates detergent is able to handle use in a High Efficiency appliance
One Percent for the Planet MemberOne Percent for the Planet Member
The 1 Percent for the Planet Member Attribute is given to products that bear the 1% For The Planet Member logo. 1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through annual membership and everyday actions. They collaborate with individual and business members to identify environmental organizations that will make the greatest impact and align with your giving goals.
U.S. Green Building Council - LeedU.S. Green Building Council - Leed
The U.S. Green Building Council- Leed Cert attribute include all products that bear the U.S. Green Building Council- Leed Cert logo.


Fair Trade

Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a fair trade certification (social, economic, environmental) using only on package data for attribution.

Certified Fair LaborCertified Fair Labor
The Fair Labor Association combines the efforts of business, civil society organizations, and universities to promote and protect workers' rights and to improve working conditions globally through adherence to international standards. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Equal Exchange Fairly TradedEqual Exchange Fairly Traded
Equal Exchange's mission is to build long-term trade partnerships that are economically just and environmentally sound, to foster mutually beneficial relationships between farmers and consumers and to demonstrate, through our success, the contribution of worker co-operatives and Fair Trade to a more equitable, democratic and sustainable world. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Fair Food Program LabelFair Food Program Label
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers' (CIW) Fair Food Program is a unique partnership among farmers, farmworkers, and retail food companies that ensures humane wages and working conditions for the workers who pick fruits and vegetables on participating farms. It harnesses the power of consumer demand to give farmworkers a voice in the decisions that affect their lives, and to eliminate the longstanding abuses that have plagued agriculture for generations. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Fair for Life by IMOFair for Life by IMO
The Fair for Life Programme offers operators who want to demonstrate their fair trade practices a solution for objective inspection and certification by a highly qualified external verifier.
Fair for Life goes beyond traditional fair trade by applying fair trade principles also to relevant domestic or regional trade and by requiring ethical working conditions along the entire trade chain. Producers, manufactures, handlers and brand holders take their part in the global responsibility created by global markets. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Fair Trade - Ecocert CertFair Trade - Ecocert Cert
The process implies the long-term business commitments of buyers to producers and annual audit of the key operators in the supply chain, for fair trade organic products.
The Fair Trade America Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Fair Trade America Cert logo.
Fair Trade CertifiedFair Trade Certified
The Fair Trade certification attribute includes any food or beverage product that has a published symbol, logo, or certification relating to or claiming to be fair trade.
Fair Trade Certified CocoaFair Trade Certified Cocoa
The Fair Trade Certified Cocoa Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Fair Trade Certified Cocoa' logo.
Fair Trade Certified IngredientFair Trade Certified Ingredient
The Fair Trade Certified Ingredient Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Fair Trade Certified Ingredient Cert Baselogo.
Fair Trade Certified SugarFair Trade Certified Sugar
The Fair Trade Certified Sugar Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Fair Trade Certified Sugar Cert Base logo.
Fair Trade IngredientsFair Trade Ingredients
The Fair Trade Ingredients Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Fair Trade Ingredients' logo.
Fair Trade InternationalFair Trade International
FLOCERT is the independent certifier for Fairtrade. By checking compliance with Fairtrade Standards, the company ensures that the relevant economic, social, and environmental standards are met and that producers receive the Fairtrade Minimum Price and Premium. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Fair Trade USAFair Trade USA
The Fair Trade certification model is designed and audited to ensure equitable trade practices at every level of the supply chain. To earn a license from Fair Trade USA to use the Fair Trade Certified label on their products, companies must buy from certified farms and organizations, pay Fair Trade prices and premiums and submit to a rigorous supply chain audits. This process entails a high level of transparency and traceability in their global supply chains. Today, our partner companies range from small, mission-driven coffee roasters to some of the largest transnational corporations in the world. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Fair TSAFair TSA
The Fair TSA attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Food Justice CertifiedFood Justice Certified
Food Justice Certified is a label based on high-bar social justice standards for farms, processors, and retailers, including every link in the food chain from farm to table. Our approach is holistic; we ensure fair treatment of workers, fair pricing for farmers, and fair business practices. Food Justice Certified is designed for all agricultural production systems, fiber and cosmetics as well as food. The initial capture of this certification began on 10/14/2014.
Organic Natural Fair TradeOrganic Natural Fair Trade
The Organic Natural Fair Trade Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Organic Natural Fair Trade' logo.
Verified Fair LaborVerified Fair Labor
The Verified Fair Labor Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Verified Fair Labor' logo.



Food Safety and Production Standards

BioChecked Non GlyphosateBioChecked Non Glyphosate
The BioChecked Non Glyphosate Certified attribute includes all products that bear the BioChecked Non Glyphosate Certification.
BRC Certification Body CertBRC Certification Body Cert
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) is a standard intended for the suppliers of food products sold under own-brand labels. It lays down a common base of requirements in terms of food safety and aims to ensure the safety of food products sold under own-brand labels.
BRC Food CertificatedBRC Food Certificated
The BRC Food Certificated Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'BRC Food Certificated' logo. Certification to this standard is designed for companies supplying retailer-branded food products and can be used as a tool to ensure the safe manufacture of the foods produced.
Certified CleanCertified Clean
The Certified Clean Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Certified Clean Cert logo.
Cold Pressure VerifiedCold Pressure Verified
The Cold Pressure Verified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Cold Pressure Verified Logo'
Eurasian Conformity MarkEurasian Conformity Mark
The Eurasian Conformity Mark logo on a food or beverage product indicates that the products conforms to all technical regulations of the Eurasian Customs Union assessment procedures. This means that it meets all requirements and technical regulations applicable to the product, and that it can be serviced in all service centers of the producer in the territory of all Customs Union member countries.
Federally Inspected Establishment - CFIA CertFederally Inspected Establishment - CFIA Cert
The Federally Inspected Establishment - CFIA Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Federally Inspected Establishment - CFIA logo.
Food Safe MaterialsFood Safe Materials
The Food Safe Materials Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Food Safe Materials' symbol. The symbol identifies that the material used in the product is safe for food contact. This includes food and water containers, packaging materials, cutlery etc.
Food Safety and Production StandardsFood Safety and Production Standards Certified
The Food Safety and Production Standards Cert attribute includes all products that bear a logo that relates to food safety or production standards.
Food Safety System Certification 22000Food Safety System Certification 22000
The FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System provides a framework for effectively managing your organization's food safety responsibilities. FSSC 22000 is fully recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is based on existing ISO Standards. It demonstrates your company has a robust Food Safety Management System in place that meets the requirements of your customers and consumers. Already, 10.000+ organizations over 140 countries achieved FSSC 22000 certification. With currently 100+ Licensed Certification Bodies and over 1,500 auditors worldwide, our mission is to ensure consumer trust in the supply of safe food and drinks. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
FSIS Safe Handling InstructionsFSIS Safe Handling Instructions
The FSIS Safe Handling Instructions attribute is given to products which feature the FSIS Safe Handling Instructions graphic.
GMP CertifiedGMP Certified
The GMP Certified Attribute is given to products that bear the GMP Certified logo. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. It is designed to minimize the risks involved in any pharmaceutical production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product.
GMP Certified FacilityGMP Certified Facility
The GMP Certified Facility Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'GMP Certified Facility' logo.
GMP Good Manufacturing PracticesGMP Good Manufacturing Practices
The GMP Good Manufacturing Practices Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'GMP Good Manufacturing Practices' logo.
GMP Quality Product CertGMP Quality Product Cert
GMPs provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. Adherence to the cGMP regulations assures the identity, strength, quality, and purity of products by requiring that manufacturers of medications and devices adequately control manufacturing operations.
The HACCP certification includes all products that have published the HACCP stamp on their package.
HACCP Certified System Management CertHACCP Certified System Management Cert
The HACCP Certified System Management Cert attribute includes all products that bears the HACCP Certified System Management Cert.
High Pressure CertifiedHigh Pressure Certified
The High Pressure Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'High Pressure Certified' logo.
Intertek CertIntertek Cert
The ETL Mark is proof of product compliance to North American safety standards. Authorities Having Jurisdiction(AHJs) and code officials across the US and Canada accept the ETL Listed Mark as proof of product compliance to published industry standards. The ETL Listed Mark is proof that a product has been independently tested and meets the applicable published standard. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
ISO QualityISO Quality
Products bearing this certification are certified by a 3rd party ensuring they follow the ISO standards. ISO standards give world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. They are instrumental in facilitating international trade..
NSF Certification GenericNSF Certification Generic
The NSF (Generic) Certified Cert attribute includes all produdcts that bear a generic 'NSF' logo.
QCS Specific Trade PracticesQCS Specific Trade Practices
The QCS Specific Trade Practices attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Safe Quality Food (SQF)Safe Quality Food (SQF)
The SQF Code offers a solution for primary producers, manufacturers, distributors, and brokers by creating one standard for food safety from farm to fork. Also, by requiring both regulatory and customer compliance, the SQF code is equipped for an ever evolving market. The intitial capture of the certification started on 10/1/2015.
SQF Quality Supplier (Certified by NSF Food Safety Certification, LLC)SQF Quality Supplier (Certified by NSF Food Safety Certification, LLC)
The SQF Quality Supplier shield is a certification provided to produers, manufacturers and distributors who follow a specific food safety system outlined by the Safe Quality Food Institute.
Third Party Purity TestedThird Party Purity Tested
The Third Party Purity Tested Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Third Party Purity Tested' logo.
U.S. EPA Design for the Environment CertU.S. EPA Design for the Environment Cert
Design for the Environment (DfE) developed several different programs and tools to help its stakeholders evaluate human health and environmental attributes of chemicals in products
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
UL Standards are used to assess products; test components, materials, systems and performance; and evaluate environmentally sustainable products, renewable energies, food and water products, recycling systems and other innovative technologies. The initial capture of the certification started on 10/1/2015.


Gluten Free

Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a gluten free certification (by an accredited gluten free certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

Beyond Celiac Gluten FreeBeyond Celiac Gluten Free
The Beyond Celiac Gluten Free Cert logo is placed on products that are certified gluten free by the Gluten Free Certification Program/Allergen Control Group of Toronto, Canada.
BioChecked Gluten Free VerifiedBioChecked Gluten Free Verified
The BioChecked Gluten Free Verified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the BioChecked Gluten Free Verified Cert logo.
Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free CertBobs Red Mill Gluten Free Cert
The Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free Cert logo.
Brandless Gluten Free CertifiedBrandless Gluten Free Certified
The Brandless Gluten Free Cert attribute is given to products that bear Brandless's Gluten Free Certification logo.
Canadian Celiac AssociationCanadian Celiac Association
The Canadian Celiac Association Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Canadian Celiac Association' logo.
Celiac Disease Foundation SponsorCeliac Disease Foundation Sponsor
The Celiac Disease Foundation Sponsor Cert attribute includesa all products that bear the 'Celiac Disease Foundation Sponsor' logo.
Celiac Support AssociationCeliac Support Association
The Celiac Support Association Cert attribute include all products that bear the Celiac Support Association Cert logo.
Celiac Support Association Certification CertCeliac Support Association Certification Cert
The Celiac Support Association Certification Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Celiac Support Association Certification Cert.
Certified Gluten-Free CertCertified Gluten-Free Cert
The Certified Gluten-Free Certattribute includes all products that bear theCertified Gluten-Free Cert logo.
GF Gluten FreeGF Gluten Free
The GF ( Gluten Free) Attribute is given to products that bear the GF ( Gluten Free) logo. This logo certifies that the product is gluten free.
GFG NFC Gluten Free Guard CertGFG NFC Gluten Free Guard Cert
The GFG NFC Gluten Free Guard Cert attribute includes all products that bear the GFG NFC Gluten Free Guard Cert.
GFS Laboratories Gluten Free CertGFS Laboratories Gluten Free Cert
The GFS Laboratories Gluten Free Cert attribute includes all products that bear the GFS Laboratories Gluten Free Cert.
Gluten FreeGluten Free
The CSA Recognition Seal represents a critical review of a company's manufacturing practices to reduce risk for celiac and gluten sensitive customer indicates the company's commitment to communicating product information to the consumer. The initial capturing of this certification began on 02/05/2015.
Gluten Free - Celiac Sprue AssociationGluten Free - Celiac Sprue Association
The Celiac Support Association certification represents a company's manufacturing practices to reduce the risk of allergen contamination for celiac and gluten sensitive customers. Products with this certification are tested using the most senstive validated testing method to ensure it's gluten free status. This recognition seal also indicates the company's commitment to communicating product information to the consumer.
Gluten Free (Blue and Purple)Gluten Free (Blue and Purple)
The Gluten Free (Blue and Purple) Cert attribute is given to products that bear the red and blue 'Gluten Free' logo.
Gluten Free (Circle)Gluten Free (Circle)
The Meijer Gluten Free Circle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the circular 'Meijer Gluten Free ' logo.
Gluten Free (Pink)Gluten Free (Pink)
The Gluten Free Pink Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Gluten Free' logo.
Gluten Free (red circle)Gluten Free (red circle)
The Gluten Free (red circle) certification attribute includes all products that have published the Gluten Free symbol by Bob's Red Mill.
Gluten Free (red triangle)Gluten Free (red triangle)
The Gluten Free (red triangle) certification includes all products that have published the Gluten Free (red triangle) stamp on their package.
Gluten Free (Red)Gluten Free (Red)
The Gluten Free (Red) Cert attribute is given to products that bear the red 'Gluten Free' logo.
Gluten Free (Strike)Gluten Free (Strike)
The Gluten Free Strike Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Gluten Free Strike' logo.
Gluten Free (Strikethrough)Gluten Free (Strikethrough)
The Gluten Free (Strikethrough) Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Gluten Free (strikethrough)' logo.
Gluten Free 1Gluten Free 1
The Gluten Free 1 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Gluten Free 1' logo.
Gluten Free 2Gluten Free 2
The Gluten Free 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Gluten Free 2' logo
Gluten Free 3 CertGluten Free 3 Cert
The Gluten Free 3 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Gluten Free 3 logo.
Gluten Free 4 CertGluten Free 4 Cert
The Gluten Free 4 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Gluten Free 4 logo.
Gluten Free CertifiedGluten Free
The Gluten Free Certification attribute includes any food or beverage product that has a symbol, logo or certification relating to or claiming to be vegan.
Gluten Free FoodGluten Free Food
The Gluten Free Food Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Gluten Free Food' logo.
Gluten Free GGluten Free G
The Gluten Free (red circle) certification attribute includes all products that have published the Gluten Free symbol by Trader Joe's.
Gluten Free GFCOGluten Free GFCO
Established in 2005, The Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO), an industry program of the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG), is dedicated to providing certification services to producers of gluten-free products using quality assessment and control measures throughout production, in order to provide assurance to consumers of the safety of their foods. The GFCO is an industry program of the Gluten Intolerance Group, a 501c3 nonprofit that helps people with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders live healthy lives.
Gluten StrikethroughGluten Strikethrough
The Gluten Strikethrough Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Gluten Strikethrogh' logo.
Glutenfreeda Certified Gluten FreeGlutenfreeda Certified Gluten Free
The Glutenfreeda Certified Gluten Free Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Glutenfreeda Certified Gluten Free Cert logo.
Glutenfreeda Deciated Facility CertGlutenfreeda Deciated Facility Cert
The Glutenfreeda Deciated Facility Cert includes all products that have a Glutenfreeda Dedicated Facility logo.
Grain and Gluten FreeGrain and Gluten Free
The Grain and Gluten Free Food Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Grain and Gluten Free Food' logo.
Grain FreeGrain Free
The Grain Free Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Grain Free' logo.
Grain Free 2Grain Free 2
The Grain Free 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Grain Free 2' logo.
ICS Gluten FreeICS Gluten Free
The ICS Gluten Free Certified Attribute is given to products which bear the ICS Gluten Free logo. Thse products are in compliance with the Certified ICS Gluten-Free Standard which is based on a combination of quantitative analysis of the ingredients and products being marketed as Certified ICS Gluten-Free, along with required management practices aimed at minimizing the introduction (accidental or otherwise) of gluten proteins in the production stream.
ICS Gluten Free 2 CertICS Gluten Free 2 Cert
The ICS Gluten Free 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the ICS Gluten Free logo.
Italian Ministry of Health Gluten Free FacilityItalian Ministry of Health Gluten Free Facility
The Italian Ministry of Health Gluten Free Facility Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Italian Ministry of Health Gluten Free Facility Cert logo.
National Celiac AssociationNational Celiac Association
The National Celiac Association Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'National Celiac Association' logo.
NFC Gluten Free GuardNFC Gluten Free Guard
The NFC Glutenguard Certification program is a set of standards to apply to foods and/or the facilities that verifies their manufacturing process are gluten free. The initial capture of the certification started on 8/10/2015.
NFCA1 Gluten FreeNFCA1 Gluten Free
The GFCP approves only those facilities and their products that continually meet strict, good manufacturing practices for gluten-free production. Certification audits are conducted annually by Breton Herb and Garlic Gluten-Free Crackers with GFCP & NFCA Certification Sealtrained and approved, independent International Standard for Organization (ISO) accredited auditing companies. Products that earn certification bear NFCA's clear and easy-to-recognize certification trademark on their packaging. The initial capture of the certification started on 8/10/2015.
NSF Gluten Free CertifiedNSF Gluten Free Certified
At the NSF in order to earn gluten-free certification, companies must have a gluten-free compliance plan and undergo onsite inspections of their production and handling facilities. During the onsite audit, accredited inspectors collect a random sample of each product for testing to confirm gluten-free integrity of 20 parts per million (ppm) or less. In addition, the inspector verifies that the company is conducting the appropriate raw ingredient testing or that raw ingredients are being sourced from an NSF International certified gluten-free supplier. The initial capture of the certification started on 8/10/2015.
Proud Sponsor Celiac Disease FoundationProud Sponsor Celiac Disease Foundation
The Celiac Disease Foundation Sponsor Cert attribute includesa all products that bear the 'Celiac Disease Foundation Sponsor' logo.
QAI and National Foundation for Celiac Awareness CertQAI and National Foundation for Celiac Awareness Cert
The QAI and National Foundation for Celiac Awareness Cert attribute includes all products that bear the QAI and National Foundation for Celiac Awareness logo.
Tested Gluten Free CertTested Gluten Free Cert
The Tested Gluten Free Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Tested Gluten Free logo.
Verified Gluten FreeVerified Gluten Free
The Verified Gluten Free Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Verified Gluten Free' logo.


Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a glycemic certification (by an accredited glycemic certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

GI Labs TestedGI Labs Tested
The GI Labs Tested certification includes all products that have published the GI Labs Tested stamp on their package.
Glycemic CertifiedGlycemic Certified
The Glycemic Certified certification group includes products that have any glycemic certification on their package.
Glycemic Index FoundationGlycemic Index Foundation
The Glycemic Index Foundation certification includes all products that have published the Glycemic Index Foundation stamp on their package.
Glycemic Research InstituteGlycemic Research Institute
The Glycemic Research Institute certification includes all products that have published the Glycemic Research Institute stamp on their package.
Glycemic Research Institute Diabetic Friendly CertGlycemic Research Institute Diabetic Friendly Cert
The Glycemic Research Institute Diabetic Friendly certification attribute includes all products that bear the Glycemic Research Institute Diabetic Friendly certification.
Glycemic Research Institute Low Glycemic CertGlycemic Research Institute Low Glycemic Cert
The Glycemic Research Institute Low Glycemic Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Low Glycemic VerifiedLow Glycemic Verified
The Low Glycemic Verified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Low Glycemic Verified' logo.


Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a Halal certification (by an accredited Halal certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

Alraid HalalAlraid Halal
The Alraid Halal Certification attribute includes all products that bear the Alraid Halal Certification logo.
Basic Halal CertBasic Halal Cert
The Basic Halal Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Central Islamic Committee of ThailandCentral Islamic Committee of Thailand
The Central Islamic Commitee of Thailand Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Central Islamic Commitee of Thailand' logo.
The HAB certification is proved by Halal Authority Board (HAB), which offers a worldwide benchmark for Halal certification for the food industry. The HAB Worldwide Standard aims to ensure uniformity in Halal regulation and certification across the globe. The Standard sets out guidelines on all aspects of production to ensure the Halal integrity of products, including food health and safety regulations, storage, delivery and cleaning and cleansing which takes into account scientific developments to prevent contamination from pork and other unacceptable derivatives.
Halal 2Halal 2
The Halal 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Halal 2' logo.
Halal Bosnia and Herzegovina CertHalal Bosnia and Herzegovina Cert
Agency For Halal Quality Certification for Bosnia, Herzegovina
Halal BoxHalal Box
The Halal Box Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Halal Box' logo.
Halal Certification AgencyHalal Certification Agency
The Halal Certification Agency Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Halal Certification Agency' logo.
Halal CertifiedHalal Certified
The Halal Certifications Cert attribute includes all products that bear a halal certification.
Halal ControlHalal Control
The Halal Control Certificiation attribute includes all products that bear the Halal Control Certificiation logo.
Halal CuisineHalal Cuisine
The Halal Cuisine Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Halal Cuisine' logo.
Halal GlobalHalal Global
The Halal Global Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Halal Global logo.
Halal H MoonHalal H Moon
The Halal H Moon Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Halal H Moon' logo.
Halal International AuthorityHalal International Authority
The Halal International Authority Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Halal International Authority' logo.
Halal MalaysiaHalal Malaysia
The Halal Malaysia Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Halal Malaysia Cert logo.
Halal Transactions of OmahaHalal Transactions of Omaha
The Halal Transactions of Omaha Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Halal Transactions of Omaha' logo.
Halal Triangle HHalal Triangle H
The Halal Triangle H Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Halal Triangle H Cert logo.
Halal ZertifikatHalal Zertifikat
The Halal Zertifikat Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Halal Zertifikat logo.
IFANCA, one of the world's leading resources for halal information. Halal, when applied to food, is a dietary set of guidelines for Muslims living an Islamic lifestyle. Since 1982, IFANCA is committed to helping halal consumers through research, education and advocacy. One of the services IFANCA provides to halal consumers is third-party halal certification. Our certification symbol, the Crescent helps halal consumers select goods, assuring them that what they buy is halal without a doubt. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Islamic Community HCMC VN CertIslamic Community HCMC VN Cert
Islamic Community of Ho Chi Minh City offers Halal certification services in Vietnam. The Muslim Community will examine the manufacture place to determine if the products are processed in a proper condition that meets the requirement of halal.
Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of Canada CertIslamic Food and Nutrition Council of Canada Cert
The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of Canada Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Islamic Food Council Southeast Asia CertIslamic Food Council Southeast Asia Cert
The Islamic Food Council Southeast Asia Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Islamic Food Council Southeast Asia certification.
Islamic Services of America HalalIslamic Services of America Halal
Islamic Services of America is a leading Halal Certification body in the United States and North America, recognized internationally in every sector of the Halal industry including meat and poultry, slaughter and production services. Islamic Services of America is a leading Halal Certification body in the United States and North America, recognized internationally in every sector of the Halal industry including meat and poultry, slaughter and production services.
ISNA Halal Certification Agency CertISNA Halal Certification Agency Cert
The ISNA Halal Certification Agency Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
JAKIM Malaysia Halal CertJAKIM Malaysia Halal Cert
The JAKIM Malaysia Halal Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Majelis Ulama IndonesiaMajelis Ulama Indonesia
The Majelis Ulama Indonesia Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Majelis Ulama Indonesia' logo.
The Muslim Judicial Council CertThe Muslim Judicial Council Cert
The The Muslim Judicial Council Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
The South African National Halaal Authority Certification CertThe South African National Halaal Authority Certification Cert
The The South African National Halaal Authority Certification Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
United States HalalUnited States Halal
The United States Halal Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'United States Halal' logo.
WHFC HalalWHFC Halal
The WHFC Halal Certification attribute includes all products that bear the WHFC Halal Certification logo.


Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a humane certification (humane, cruelty free, etc) using only on package data for attribution.

American Humane Heartland CertifiedAmerican Humane Heartland Certified
Humane Heartland attribute includes all products that present a Humane Heartland logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Animal Welfare ApprovedAnimal Welfare Approved
The Animal Welfare Approved certification includes all products that present a logo on the package indicating the product passed Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) program's inspection. The initial capture of the certification started on June 14, 2015.
Animal Welfare Approved by AGW CertAnimal Welfare Approved by AGW Cert
Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW is the only label that guarantees animals are raised outdoors on pasture or range for their entire lives on an independent farm using truly sustainable, high-welfare farming practices. It is the only label in the U.S. to require audited, high-welfare production, transport and slaughter practices, and has the single highest impact on consumer purchasing of any food label, according to The Hartman Group.
ASC Certified SeafoodASC Certified Seafood
The ASC Certified Seafood Cert includes all products that bear an ASC Certified Seafood logo.
Caring Consumer PETACaring Consumer PETA
Caring Consumer PETA Certification attribute includes all products that present a Caring Consumer PETA logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 9/7/2015.
CCF RabbitCCF Rabbit
CCF Rabbit Certification attribute includes all products that present a CCF Rabbit Not Tested on Animal logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 9/7/2015.
Certified Cage Free EggsCertified Cage Free Eggs
The Certified Cage Free Eggs Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Certified Cage Free Eggs' logo.
Certified Humane OrganizationCertified Humane Organization
Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is the leading non-profit certification organization dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals in food production from birth through slaughter. The goal of the program is to improve the lives of farm animals by driving consumer demand for kinder and more responsible farm animal practices. When you see the Certified Humane Raised and Handledå¨ label on a product you can be assured that the food products have come from facilities that meet precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment.The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Dolphin SafeDolphin Safe
The Earth Island Dolphin Safe certification on the label represents a tuna companies pledge to abide by the Earth Island international ‰ÛÏDolphin Safe‰Û tuna standards of no encirclement of dolphins or other marine mammals during an entire fishing trip, no accidental deaths or serious injuries of any dolphins, and no use of drift gill nets. The initial capture of this began on 09/25/2015.
Dolphin Safe 2Dolphin Safe 2
The Dolphin Safe certification on the label represents a tuna companies pledge to compliance with laws or policies designed to minimize encirclement of dolphins or other marine mammals during an entire fishing trip, minimize accidental deaths or serious injuries of any dolphins, and minimize use of drift gill nets.
Dolphin Safe 3Dolphin Safe 3
The Dolphin Safe 3 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Dolphins Safe 3' logo.
Dolphin Safe 4Dolphin Safe 4
The Dolphin Safe 4 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Dolphins Safe 4' logo.
Dolphin Safe 5Dolphin Safe 5
The Dolphin Safe 5 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Dolphins Safe 5' logo.
Dolphin Safe 6Dolphin Safe 6
The Dolphin Safe 6 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Dolphin Safe 6 Cert logo.
Global Animal Partnership Step 1Global Animal Partnership Step 1
The Global Animal Partnership Step 1 Certification is given to products that bear the 'Step 1' logo. The Global Animal Partnership's 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Program was developed with the animal’s welfare as the primary focus. By defining animal welfare, this helps to identify and improve farming and ranching systems and practices.
Global Animal Partnership Step 2Global Animal Partnership Step 2
The Global Animal Partnership Step 2 Certification is given to products that bear the 'Step 2' logo. The Global Animal Partnership's 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Program was developed with the animal’s welfare as the primary focus. By defining animal welfare, this helps to identify and improve farming and ranching systems and practices.
Global Animal Partnership Step 3Global Animal Partnership Step 3
The Global Animal Partnership Step 3 Certification is given to products that bear the 'Step 3 ' logo. The Global Animal Partnership's 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Program was developed with the animal’s welfare as the primary focus. By defining animal welfare, this helps to identify and improve farming and ranching systems and practices.
Global Animal Partnership Step 4Global Animal Partnership Step 4
The Global Animal Partnership Step 4 Certification is given to products that bear the 'Step 4' logo. The Global Animal Partnership's 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Program was developed with the animal’s welfare as the primary focus. By defining animal welfare, this helps to identify and improve farming and ranching systems and practices.
Global Animal Partnership Step 5+Global Animal Partnership Step 5+
The Global Animal Partnership Step 5 Certification is given to products that bear the 'Step 5' logo. The Global Animal Partnership's 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Program was developed with the animal's welfare as the primary focus. By defining animal welfare, this helps to identify and improve farming and ranching systems and practices.
Humane CertifiedHumane Certified
The Humane Certified certification group includes products that have any humane certification on their package.
Humane Society PledgeHumane Society Pledge
The Human Society Pledge Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Human Society Pledge' logo.
Leaping Bunny (Cruelty Free)Leaping Bunny (Cruelty Free)
The Humane Bunny Certification represents eight national animal protection groups banded together to form the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC). The CCIC promotes a single comprehensive standard and an internationally recognized Leaping Bunny Logo. The CCIC works with companies to help make shopping for animal-friendly products easier and more trustworthy. The intial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
No Animal TestingNo Animal Testing
The No Animal Testing Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'No Animal Testing' logo.
SAFE - Save Animals From Extinction CertSAFE - Save Animals From Extinction Cert
The SAFE - Save Animals From Extinction Cert attributes includes all products that bear a SAFE - Save Animals From Extinction Cert.
Salmon Safe CertSalmon Safe Cert
Salmon-Safe offers a series of peer-reviewed certification and accreditation programs linking site development land management practices with the protection of agricultural and urban watersheds. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
United Egg Producers CertifiedUnited Egg Producers Certified
United Egg Producers or (UEP) Certified is an attribute that ensures hen welfare. Requirements for hen welfare are set by the nation's leading animal welfare researchers and veterinarians. UEP Certified is the only science-based animal welfare program for cage and cage-free egg production with standards endorsed by the Food Marketing Institute and the National Council of Chain Restaurants. Independent and third-party inspections are carried out by either USDA or Validus.
UTZ CertifiedUTZ Certified
The UTZ Certified certification includes all products that have published the UTZ Certified stamp on their package.
Validus Animal Welfare ReviewValidus Animal Welfare Review
The Validus Welfare Review shield is awarded to farms that follow strict guidelines concerning the ways and conditions in which animals are raised for meat and dairy. Farms receiving animal welfare certification undergo a detailed assessment and audit of their on-farm practices.


Instructions for Use

Bitrex CertBitrex Cert
A substance that’s put into household products to ensure that if a child or animal ever tried to swallow it, they would spit it out before they could be poisoned.
Date of Minimum DurabilityDate of Minimum Durability
EU Regulation for Cosmetics. The date of minimum durability shall be clearly expressed and shall consist of either the month and year or the day, month and year, in that order. If necessary, this information shall be supplemented by an indication of the conditions which must be satisfied to guarantee the stated durability.
Do Not FlushDo Not Flush
The Do Not Flush Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Do Not Flush' logo.
Do Not LitterDo Not Litter
The Do Not Litter Cert attribute includes all products that bear a 'Do Not Litter' logo.
Do Not Throw In ToiletDo Not Throw In Toilet
The Do Not Throw in Toilet Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Do Not Throw in Toilet' logo.
ECHA FlammableECHA Flammable
Indicates that the product is extremely flammable. The CLP Regulation has introduced a new classification and labelling system for hazardous chemicals in the European Union.
The Flammable Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Flammable' logo. This logo indicates that the product is flammable.
Instructions for UseInstructions for Use
The Instructions for Use Cert attribute includes all products that bear a logo that relates to its usage.
Keep Away From ChildrenKeep Away From Children
The Keep Away from Children Attribute is given to products that bear the keep away from children logo.
Period After OpeningPeriod After Opening
The Period After Opening Attribute is given to productst that bear the 'Period After Opening' logo.
Refer To InsertRefer To Insert
Refer to Insert symbol (hand - booklet) is a cosmetic industry standard logo that applies to cosmetic products that cannot fit all info on the package. The FDA allows illustrations on the product for reference.
Veeda - Do Not FlushVeeda - Do Not Flush
The Veeda Do Not Flush Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Veeda - Do not flush' logo.



Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a Kosher certification (by an accredited Kosher certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

1K Kosher1K Kosher
The 1K Kosher shield is applied to products that are certified kosher by 1K Kosher. 1K Kosher is a Kosher supervision & certification agency based in Brussels Belgium under the authority the Maayan ‘Hay Community.
1Kosher Rabbi Certification Cert1Kosher Rabbi Certification Cert
The 1Kosher Rabbi Certification Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 1Kosher Rabbi Certification Cert.
365 Kosher Cert365 Kosher Cert
The 365 Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
90210 Kosher Cert90210 Kosher Cert
The 90210 Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 90210 Kosher Cert.
Agudas Israel Moetzes Hakashrus Kosher CertAgudas Israel Moetzes Hakashrus Kosher Cert
The Agudas Israel Moetzes Hakashrus Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Ajdut Kosher CertAjdut Kosher Cert
The Ajdut Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
AKC PeachAKC Peach
The AKC Peach attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
All Natural With You In MindAll Natural With You In Mind
The All Natural With You In Mind Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'All Natural With You In Mind' logo.
Argentina Kosher CertArgentina Kosher Cert
The Argentina Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Argentina Kosher Cert logo.
Arizona Kosher CertArizona Kosher Cert
The Arizona Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Arizona Kosher Cert.
Athens Kosher CertAthens Kosher Cert
The Athens Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Athens Kosher Cert.
Athens Kosher Seal #2 CertAthens Kosher Seal #2 Cert
The Athens Kosher Seal #2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Athens Kosher Seal #2 Cert.
Atlanta Kosher Certified CertAtlanta Kosher Certified Cert
The Atlanta Kosher Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Atlanta Kosher Certified Cert.
The BC K attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
BCKE Kosher CertBCKE Kosher Cert
The BCKE Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a BCKE Kosher Cert.
The BD SA attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
BDK Kosher CertBDK Kosher Cert
The BDK Kosher Certified attribute includes all products that bear the BDK Kosher certification.
Beth Din De Paris KosherBeth Din De Paris Kosher
The Beth Din De Paris Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Beth Din De Paris Kosher Cert logo.
Bes Din of Tartikov KosherBes Din of Tartikov Kosher
Kosher certified by Beth Din Minchas Chinuch Tartikov Kashrus Division in Brooklyn, New York
BK Balkan Kosher CertBK Balkan Kosher Cert
Kosher certified by BK Balkan Kosher
BK Check 2BK Check 2
The BK Check 2 attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
BK Check Vaad HaKashrus of BuffaloBK Check Vaad HaKashrus of Buffalo
The BK Check Vaad HaKashrus of Buffalo attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Blue Ribbon KBlue Ribbon K
The Blue Ribbon K attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Brazilian Kashrut Authority Kosher CertBrazilian Kashrut Authority Kosher Cert
The Brazilian Kashrut Authority Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Brazilian Kashrut Authority Kosher Cert.
Brooklyn Observant Judaism Kosher CertBrooklyn Observant Judaism Kosher Cert
The Brooklyn Observant Judaism Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Brooklyn Observant Judaism Kosher Cert.
Buckeye Kosher CertBuckeye Kosher Cert
The Buckeye Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Calgary Kosher CertCalgary Kosher Cert
The Calgary Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Calgary Kosher Cert.
Cape Town Beth Din 2 CertCape Town Beth Din 2 Cert
The Cape Town Beth Din 2 Certattribute includes all products that bear the Cape Town Beth Din 2 Cert logo.
Cape Town Beth Din CertCape Town Beth Din Cert
The Cape Town Beth Din Certattribute includes all products that bear the Cape Town Beth Din Cert logo.
Celiac Support Association Certification CertCeliac Support Association Certification Cert
The Celiac Support Association Certification Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Celiac Support Association Certification Cert.
Central California Kosher CertCentral California Kosher Cert
The Central California Kosher cert attribute includes all products that bear the Central California Kosher Cert.
Central States Kosher (CSK) CertCentral States Kosher (CSK) Cert
The Central States Kosher (CSK) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Central States Kosher (CSK) Cert logo.
Chabad of Hawaii Kosher CertChabad of Hawaii Kosher Cert
The Chabad of Hawaii Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Chabad of Hawaii Kosher Cert.
Chabad Tri State Kosher CertChabad Tri State Kosher Cert
The Chabad Tri State Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Chabad Tri State Kosher Cert.
Challahman Kosher CertChallahman Kosher Cert
The Challahman Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Challahman Kosher Cert.
Cherry K Vaad Hakashruth Kosher CertCherry K Vaad Hakashruth Kosher Cert
The Cherry K Vaad Hakashruth Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Ches K KosherChes K Kosher
The Ches K Kosher attribute includes all products that bear the 'Ches K' Kosher logo.
Chicago Rabbinical CouncilChicago Rabbinical Council
The largest regional Orthodox organization in North America, the cRc is a not-for-profit offering a wide variety of Jewish services including kosher product supervision and kosher certification (kosher approval for products). Kosher certification is available around the world and throughout the year, including kosher Passover supervision. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem CertChief Rabbinate of Jerusalem Cert
The Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem Cert.
Chief Rabbinate of Petach-Tikvah & District Israel CertChief Rabbinate of Petach-Tikvah & District Israel Cert
The Chief Rabbinate of Petach-Tikvah & District Israel Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Chief Rabbinate of Petach-Tikvah & District Israel Cert.
Chief Rabbinate of Turkey Kosher CertChief Rabbinate of Turkey Kosher Cert
The Chief Rabbinate of Turkey Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Chief Rabbinate of Turkey Kosher Cert.
Cincinnati Kosher CertCincinnati Kosher Cert
The Cincinnati Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Cincinnati Kosher Cert logo.
Circle K (OK Kosher Certification)Circle K (OK Kosher Certification)
Kosher Certification means the highest standard of kosher, built on a deep level of trust between manufacturers, producers and consumers. We believe passionately that kosher laws form a crucial part of an all-encompassing life of integrity. This belief guides us in all that we do and is the foundation upon which our organization is established. Our standards of kosher and customer service are being continuously upgraded to remain best-in-class. They are at the heart of what we are. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Circle K DairyCircle K Dairy
The Circle K Dairy Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Circle K Dairy Kosher' logo.
Circle U (Orthodox Union)Circle U (Orthodox Union)
The OU (Orthodox Union) Kosher is the world's largest and most widely recognized kosher certification agency, certifying close to 1,000,000 products produced in over 8,000 plants located in 80 countries around the world. The Bible lists the basic categories of food items which are not kosher. These include certain animals, fowl and fish (such as pork and rabbit, eagle and owl, catfish and sturgeon), most insects, and any shellfish or reptile. In addition, kosher species of meat and fowl must be slaughtered in a prescribed manner, and meat and dairy products may not be manufactured or consumed together.
CK Certified KosherCK Certified Kosher
The CK Certified Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'CK Certified Kosher' logo.
Congregation B’nai Jacob Dairy CertCongregation B’nai Jacob Dairy Cert
The Congregation B'nai Jacob Dairy Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Congregation B'nai Jacob Dairy logo.
COR #860 Kosher CertCOR #860 Kosher Cert
The COR #860 Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
CoR KosherCoR Kosher
The CoR Kosher attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
CRC of the United States and Canada 2 CertCRC of the United States and Canada 2 Cert
The Kosher Miami Dade Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Miami Dade Cert logo.
CRC of The United States and Canada CertCRC of The United States and Canada Cert
The CRC of The United States and Canada Cert attribute includes all products that bear the CRC of The United States and Canada Cert logo.
CRC SealCRC Seal
The CRC Seal attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Crisol de Frutos Secos Kosher CertCrisol de Frutos Secos Kosher Cert
The Crisol de Frutos Secos Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Croatia Kosher CertCroatia Kosher Cert
The Croatia Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Croatia Kosher Cert.
Crown CHKCrown CHK
The Crown CHK attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
D (Dairy Product)D (Dairy Product)
The D (Dairy Product) certification signifies that a product is kosher certified and contains a dairy ingredient(s).
DE for Dairy EquipmentDE for Dairy Equipment
The DE (Dairy Equipment) certification signifies that a product is kosher certified and has been manufactured on an equipment that is also used to manufacture kosher dairy products where no kosherization occurred in between. It is important to note that a thorough cleaning of the equipment still occurs between products and there is no dairy contained in products labeled DE.
Detroit K COR 2 CertDetroit K COR 2 Cert
The Detroit K COR 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Detroit K COR 2 Cert logo.
Diamond KDiamond K
The Diamond K attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Diamond KADiamond KA
The Diamond KA attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Dallas Kosher is the oldest kosher certification in the Southwest. The DK symbol is recognized and approved by major agencies around the world. Dallas Kosher is also a member of AKO, the Association for Kashrus Organizations.
EarthKosher Dairy CertEarthKosher Dairy Cert
EarthKosher Dairy is certified by EarthKosher Kosher Certification Agency according to their dairy standards.
EarthKosher KosherEarthKosher Kosher
EarthKosher Kosher is certified by EarthKosher Kosher Certification Agency. EarthKosher provides companies all over the world with affordable and acceptable Kosher certification in a timely manner, congruent with normative Kosher industry standards.
EKV KosherEKV Kosher
The EKV Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the EKV Kosher Cert logo.
EU Kosher CertEU Kosher Cert
The EU Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the EU Kosher Cert.
Euro Kosher CertEuro Kosher Cert
The Euro Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Fair Trade Federation Member Certification CertFair Trade Federation Member Certification Cert
The Fair Trade Federation Member Certification Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Federation of Synagogues Kosher CertFederation of Synagogues Kosher Cert
The Federation of Synagogues Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Federation of Synagogues Kosher Cert.
FIANZ Approved Halal CertFIANZ Approved Halal Cert
The FIANZ Approved Halal Cert attribute includes all products that bear the FIANZ Approved Halal Cert logo.
Florida K CertFlorida K Cert
The Florida K Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Florida K Cert logo.
Global Consulting LLC Kosher Certification CertGlobal Consulting LLC Kosher Certification Cert
The Global Consulting LLC Kosher Certification Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
HaGaon Rabbi Shlomo Machpud Kosher CertHaGaon Rabbi Shlomo Machpud Kosher Cert
The HaGaon Rabbi Shlomo Machpud Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Hager Kashrus Kosher CertHager Kashrus Kosher Cert
The Hager Kashrus Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Hager Kashrus Kosher Cert.
Hartford Kashrut Kosher CertHartford Kashrut Kosher Cert
The Hartford Kashrut Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Hartford Kashrut Kosher Cert.
HKA Kosher CertHKA Kosher Cert
The HKA Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the HKA Kosher Cert logo.
Igud HaKashrus CertIgud HaKashrus Cert
The Igud HaKashrus Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Igud HaKashrus Cert.
IKC International Kosher Council CertIKC International Kosher Council Cert
The IKC International Kosher Council Cert attribute includes all products that bear the IKC International Kosher Council Cert.
International Kosher Council CertInternational Kosher Council Cert
The International Kosher Council Cert attribute includes all products that bear the International Kosher Council Cert.
Israel Kosher 2 CertIsrael Kosher 2 Cert
The Israel Kosher 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Israel Kosher 2 Cert logo.
Israel Kosher 3 CertIsrael Kosher 3 Cert
The Israel Kosher 3 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Israel Kosher 3 Cert.
Israel Kosher CertIsrael Kosher Cert
The Israel Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Israel Kosher Cert logo.
Italy Kosher parveItaly Kosher parve
The Rav Itzhak David Margalit Italy Kosher Parve shield is applied to products that have been certified Kosher Parve by Rav Itzhak David Margalit.
Italy Kosher Union Certification CertItaly Kosher Union Certification Cert
The Italy Kosher Union Certification Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Italy Kosher Union Certification Cert.
Jay Kosher PareveJay Kosher Pareve
The Jay Kosher Pareve attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Jewish Community of Athens Kosher CertJewish Community of Athens Kosher Cert
The Jewish Community of Athens Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Jewish Community of Athens Kosher Cert.
Jewish Congregations of America Kosher CertJewish Congregations of America Kosher Cert
The Jewish Congregations of America Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Jewish Congregations of America Kosher Cert.
Jewish Orthodox Community of Chile Kosher CertJewish Orthodox Community of Chile Kosher Cert
The Jewish Orthodox Community of Chile Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Jewish Orthodox Community of Chile Kosher Cert.
JK Kosher CertJK Kosher Cert
The JK Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
The K COR attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
The K LBD attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
K of K Kosher CertK of K Kosher Cert
The K of K Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the K of K Kosher Cert.
KA Kosher CertKA Kosher Cert
The KA Kosher shield is placed on products that are certified kosher by Quality Supervisors Kosher.
KA Kosher Pareve 2 CertKA Kosher Pareve 2 Cert
The KA Kosher Pareve 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KA Kosher Pareve 2 Cert.
KA Kosher ParveKA Kosher Parve
The KA Kosher shield is placed on products that are certified kosher by Quality Supervisors Kosher.
KAJ - Kehilla Adat Yesherun Kosher CertKAJ - Kehilla Adat Yesherun Kosher Cert
The KAJ - Kehilla Adat Yesherun Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
KAJ Kosher 2 CertKAJ Kosher 2 Cert
The KAJ Kosher 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KAJ Kosher 2 Cert.
KAJ Kosher CertKAJ Kosher Cert
The KAJ Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KAJ Kosher Cert logo.
Kashruth Supervision ServiceKashruth Supervision Service
The Kashruth Supervision Service Cert attribute is given to products that bear the Kashruth Supervision Service certification logo.
KAY Supervision Kosher CertKAY Supervision Kosher Cert
The KAY Supervision Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KAY Supervision Kosher Cert.
KCL Kosher CertKCL Kosher Cert
The KCL Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KCL Kosher Cert logo.
KD Kosher DairyKD Kosher Dairy
The KD Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'KD Kosher' logo.
Kedassia Kosher CertKedassia Kosher Cert
The Kedassia Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Kedassia Kosher Cert.
Kehilla Adath Yeshurun Kosher CertKehilla Adath Yeshurun Kosher Cert
The Kehilla Adath Yeshurun Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kehilla Adath Yeshurun Kosher Cert.
Kehilla Kosher California-KKehilla Kosher California-K
Kehilla Kosher California-K is certified by Kehilla Kosher. Kehilla is a west coast based kosher food certifying agency, it is recognized nationally and worldwide. Both the Heart-K and the California-K are kept to the same high standard of Kashrus. Products (retail and industrial) with the Heart-K dairy symbol are always Cholov Yisroel. Products with the California-K Dairy or D.E. symbols are dairy non-Cholov Yisroel. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/23/2015.
Kehilla Kosher Heart-KKehilla Kosher Heart-K
Kehilla Kosher Heart-K is certified by Kehilla Kosher. Kehilla is a west coast based kosher food certifying agency, it is recognized nationally and worldwide. Both the Heart-K and the California-K are kept to the same high standard of Kashrus. Products (retail and industrial) with the Heart-K dairy symbol are always Cholov Yisroel. Products with the California-K Dairy or D.E. symbols are dairy non-Cholov Yisroel. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/23/2015.
Kehilla Kosher underline-KKehilla Kosher underline-K
Kehilla Kosher Underline-K is certified by Kehilla Kosher. Kehilla is a west coast based kosher food certifying agency, it is recognized nationally and worldwide. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/23/2015.
Kemach Kosher CertKemach Kosher Cert
The Kemach Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Keystone K Kosher CertKeystone K Kosher Cert
The Keystone K Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Keystone K Kosher Cert.
KF Kosher CertKF Kosher Cert
The KF Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KF Kosher Cert.
Khal Arugath Habosem Kosher CertKhal Arugath Habosem Kosher Cert
The Khal Arugath Habosem Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Khal Arugath Habosem Kosher Cert.
KM KosherKM Kosher
The KM Kosher logo on a food or beverage product signifies that the product has been certified kosher by the Chief Rabbinate of Madrid
KMD Mexico Kosher DairyKMD Mexico Kosher Dairy
The KMD Mexico Kosher Dairy Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KMD Mexico Kosher Dairy Cert logo.
KMD Mexico Kosher Pareve CertKMD Mexico Kosher Pareve Cert
The KMD Mexico Kosher Pareve Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KMD Mexico Kosher Pareve Cert.
Ko KosherKo Kosher
The Ko Kosher shield is placed on food and beverage products that are certified Kosher by Ko Kosher. Ko Kosher is dedicated to making kosher products available to consumers through their rigorous certification process, which includes verification that both ingredients and equipment used to manufacture the products adhere to stringent kashrut dietary laws. The Ko Kosher symbol on our products is assurance of our unwavering and uncompromising commitment to accountability, quality, and overall safety.
KOF-K Kosher Supervision is one of the premier kosher certifying agencies in the world, certifying thousands of products each year in the areas of food production; ingredients, flavors, fragrances, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, as well as vendors, restaurants, and other suppliers of kosher products and services.
KOF-K DairyKOF-K Dairy
The KOF-K Dairy Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'KOF-K Dairy' Kosher logo.
KOF-K Dairy EquipmentKOF-K Dairy Equipment
The KOF-K Dairy Equipment Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'KOF-K Dairy Equipment' Kosher logo.
Kosher Apple CertKosher Apple Cert
The Natural Food Certifiers Apple K shield is applied to food and beverage products that are "Kosher Natural". The Apple K's "Kosher Natural" designation was first established in 1997, and is unique in that it "only certifies foods are organic and GMO-free."
Kosher Argentina CertKosher Argentina Cert
The Kosher Argentina Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Kosher AustraliaKosher Australia
The Kosher Australia attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Kosher Belgium (KSH) CertKosher Belgium (KSH) Cert
The Kosher Belgium (KSH) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Belgium (KSH) Cert logo.
Kosher BerlinKosher Berlin
The Kosher Berlin Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Kosher Berlin' logo.
Kosher Brooklyn 2 CertKosher Brooklyn 2 Cert
The Kosher Brooklyn 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Brooklyn 2 Cert logo.
Kosher Brooklyn 3 CertKosher Brooklyn 3 Cert
The Kosher Brooklyn 3 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Brooklyn 3 Cert logo.
Kosher Brooklyn CertKosher Brooklyn Cert
The Kosher Brooklyn Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Brooklyn Cert logo.
Kosher Certification Rabbi Asher Eckstein CertKosher Certification Rabbi Asher Eckstein Cert
The Kosher Certification Rabbi Asher Eckstein Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Certification Rabbi Asher Eckstein Cert.
Kosher Certification ServiceKosher Certification Service
The Kosher Certification Service is available for Kashruth Endorsements, Supervision, and Certification Permitting the use of the Kosher Certification Service seal nation-wide, as well as internationally. The organization certifies products are kosher. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Kosher CertifiedKosher Certified
Kosher Certified includes all products that have published any symbol, logo or certification relating to or claiming to be kosher.
Kosher Certified Sun-KKosher Certified Sun-K
The Kosher Certified Sun-K Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Kosher Certified Sun-K' logo.
Kosher CheckKosher Check
The Kosher Check symbol is applied to food and beverage products that have been certified kosher by the Kosher Check organization.
Kosher Check 2Kosher Check 2
The Kosher Check 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Kosher Check 2' logo.
Kosher Costa Rica CertKosher Costa Rica Cert
The Kosher Costa Rica Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Kosher Costa Rica Cert.
Kosher Dairy 2Kosher Dairy 2
The Kosher Dairy 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Kosher Dairy 2' logo.
Kosher Dairy URS CertKosher Dairy URS Cert
The Kosher Dairy URS Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Dairy URS Cert.
Kosher FinlandKosher Finland
The Kosher Finland Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Kosher Finland' logo.
Kosher for Passover CertKosher for Passover Cert
The Kosher for Passover Cert attribute includes all products that are specifically desginated as kosher for passover.
Kosher GermanyKosher Germany
The Kosher Germany attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Kosher in Greece CertKosher in Greece Cert
The Kosher in Greece Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Kosher in Greece Cert.
Kosher Inspection Service Certification CertKosher Inspection Service Certification Cert
The Kosher Inspection Service Certification Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Inspection Service Certification Cert.
Kosher Inspection Service IndiaKosher Inspection Service India
The Kosher Inspection Service India attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Kosher K CircleKosher K Circle
The Kosher K Circle Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Kosher K Circle' logo.
Kosher Kingdom CertKosher Kingdom Cert
The Kosher Kingdom Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Kingdom Cert.
Kosher Kiwi CertKosher Kiwi Cert
The Kosher Kiwi Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Kiwi Cert.
Kosher KW Young Israel of West HempsteadKosher KW Young Israel of West Hempstead
The Kosher KW Young Israel of West Hempstead attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Kosher LAKosher LA
The Kosher LA shield is applied to food and beverage products that are certified kosher by Kosher LA.Kosher LA is a nationally recognized kosher certification agency since 1994, based in Los Angeles, California and rooted in generations of upstanding, knowledgeable and caring orthodox rabbis.
Kosher MichiganKosher Michigan
The Kosher Michigan Cert attribute is given to products that bear the Kosher Michigan certification logo.
Kosher Monsey NY CertKosher Monsey NY Cert
The Kosher Monsey NY cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Monsey NY cert.
Kosher Natural Organics CertKosher Natural Organics Cert
The Kosher Natural Organics Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Natural Organics Cert.
Kosher New York 2 CertKosher New York 2 Cert
The Kosher New York 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher New York 2 Cert logo.
Kosher New York 3 CertKosher New York 3 Cert
The Kosher New York 3 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher New York 3 Cert.
Kosher New York CertKosher New York Cert
The Kosher New York Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher New York Cert logo.
Kosher ORCKosher ORC
The Kosher ORC Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Kosher ORC' logo.
Kosher Organics CertKosher Organics Cert
The Kosher Organics Cert Baseattribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Organics Cert Base logo.
Kosher OverseersKosher Overseers
The Kosher Overseers Cert attribute is given to products that bear the Kosher Overseers certification logo.
Kosher Palm TreeKosher Palm Tree
The Kosher Palm Tree Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Kosher Palm Tree' logo.
Kosher Parve AppleKosher Parve Apple
The Natural Food Certifiers Apple K shield is applied to food and beverage products that are "Parve Kosher Natural". The Apple K's "Kosher Natural" designation was first established in 1997, and is unique in that it "only certifies foods are organic and GMO-free."
Kosher Parve by Rabbi Jacob Moshe CharlapKosher Parve by Rabbi Jacob Moshe Charlap
The Kosher Parve by Rabbi Jacob Moshe Charlap Certification sheid signifies that the product is certified kosher parve by Rabbi Jacob Moshe Charlap
Kosher PeruKosher Peru
Kosher Peru is a Kosher certification agency located in Peru.
Kosher Phoenix CertKosher Phoenix Cert
The Kosher Phoenix Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Phoenix Cert.
Kosher Rabbi David Werner-Hadera CertKosher Rabbi David Werner-Hadera Cert
The Kosher Rabbi David Werner-Hadera cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Rabbi David Werner-Hadera cert.
Kosher Rabbi M. WeissmandlKosher Rabbi M. Weissmandl
The Kosher Rabbi M. Weissmandl Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Kosher Rabbi M. Weissmandl' logo.
Kosher Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern CertKosher Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern Cert
The Kosher Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern Cert.
Kosher Rabbi Y. GruberKosher Rabbi Y. Gruber
The Kosher Rabbi Y. Gruber Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Kosher Rabbi Y. Gruber' logo.
Kosher Savannah (Old Version) CertKosher Savannah (Old Version) Cert
The Kosher Savannah (Old Version) Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Kosher SeattleKosher Seattle
The Kosher Seattle Attribute is given to products that bear the Kosher Seattle logo. This logo means that the product has been certified Kosher by Va'ad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle.
Kosher Services Seattle CertKosher Services Seattle Cert
The Kosher Services Seattle Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Services Seattle Cert.
Kosher Supervision AmericaKosher Supervision America
Kosher Supervision of America is very proud to be on the list of reliable and recognized organizations that provide kosher certiciations. A most honorable and prestigious distinction. The KSA symbol is a firm guarantee to all consumers that the products bearing the symbol are in full compliance with the most demanding of kosher standards. You can be sure that your products will be marketable, enjoying the same status, recognition and acceptance, as any other reliably certified kosher product. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin CertKosher Supervisors of Wisconsin Cert
The Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin Cert logo.
KUI Peru CertKUI Peru Cert
The KUI Peru Cert attribute includes all products that bear the KUI Peru Cert.
Lancaster County Kosher CertLancaster County Kosher Cert
The Lancaster County Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Lancaster County Kosher Cert .
Louisiana Kashrut Committee (LKC)Louisiana Kashrut Committee (LKC)
The Lousiana Kashrut Committee (LKC) Attribute is given to products that bear the Louisana Kashrut Committee Certification logo.
Machon L'Kashrus CertMachon L'Kashrus Cert
The Machon L'Kashrus Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Machon L'Kashrus Cert.
Manchester Beth Din CertManchester Beth Din Cert
The Manchester Beth Din Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Manchester Beth Din Cert logo.
Manchester Kosher CertManchester Kosher Cert
The Manchester Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Manchester Kosher Cert logo.
Medellin Kosher CertMedellin Kosher Cert
The Medellin Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Melbourne Kashrut Kosher CertMelbourne Kashrut Kosher Cert
The Melbourne Kashrut Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Mendelson's Kosher CertMendelson's Kosher Cert
The Mendelson's Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Michigan KosherMichigan Kosher
The Michigan Kosher Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Michigan Kosher' logo.
Minnesota Kosher CertMinnesota Kosher Cert
The Minnesota Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Minnesota Kosher Cert logo.
The MK attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
MK Dairy Kosher CertMK Dairy Kosher Cert
The MK Dairy Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the MK Dairy Kosher Cert.
MK Dairy Kosher Mexico CertMK Dairy Kosher Mexico Cert
The MK Dairy Kosher Mexico Cert attribute includes all products that bear a MK Dairy Kosher Mexico Cert.
MK Kosher Canada CertMK Kosher Canada Cert
The MK Kosher Canada Cert attribute includes all products that bear the MK Kosher Canada Cert.
MK Kosher Canada Dairy Leche CertMK Kosher Canada Dairy Leche Cert
The MK Kosher Canada Dairy Leche Certattribute includes all products that bear the MK Kosher Canada Dairy Leche Cert.
MK Kosher Mexico CertMK Kosher Mexico Cert
The MK Kosher Mexico Cert attribute includes all products that bear the MK Kosher Mexico Cert.
MK Kosher PareveMK Kosher Pareve
The MK Koshe Parve Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'MK Kosher' logo.
MK Lait DairyMK Lait Dairy
The MK Lait Dairy Cert attribute is given to products that bear the MK Lait Dairy certification logo.
MK PareveMK Pareve
The MK Pareve attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Montreal Vaad Hair (MK) - PareveMontreal Vaad Hair (MK) - Pareve
The Montreal Vaad Hair (MK) - Pareve attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Natural Food CertifierNatural Food Certifier
The Natural Food Certifiers Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Natural Food Certifier' logo.
Natural Food Certifiers Apple (Red)Natural Food Certifiers Apple (Red)
The Natural Food Certifiers Apple K shield is applied to food and beverage products that are "Kosher Natural". The Apple K's "Kosher Natural" designation was first established in 1997, and is unique in that it "only certifies foods are organic and GMO-free."
Natural Food Certifiers Kosher Apple (Black)Natural Food Certifiers Kosher Apple (Black)
The Natural Foods Certifiers is provided to products that are deemed natural by "Natural Food Certifiers". The products that are certified are judged based on 5 different standards.
New Square KashrusNew Square Kashrus
The New Square Kashrus Cert attribute is given to products that are certified kosher by New Square Kashrus.
New Square Rabbinical KashrusNew Square Rabbinical Kashrus
The New Square Rabbinical Kashrus Certification attribute is given to products that bear the New Square Rabbinical Kashrus certification.
North American KosherNorth American Kosher
The North American Kosher shield is applied to food and beverage products that have been certified kosher by North American Kosher Supervision LLC
Northern California Sunrise Kosher CertNorthern California Sunrise Kosher Cert
The Northern California Sunrise Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Northern California Sunrise Kosher Cert.
Ohio Kosher CertOhio Kosher Cert
The Ohio Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Ohio Kosher Cert.
OKS KosherOKS Kosher
The OKS Kosher Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'OKS Kosher Cert' logo.
Olive Branch Kosher CertOlive Branch Kosher Cert
The Olive Branch Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Olive Branch Kosher Cert.
OM Kosher CertOM Kosher Cert
The OM Kosher cert attribute includes all products that bear the OM Kosher Cert.
Oregon KosherOregon Kosher
The Oregon Kosher Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Oregon Kosher' logo.
Oregon Kosher CertifiedOregon Kosher Certified
The Oregon Kosher Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Oregon Kosher' logo.
Organization of Orthodox Kashruth Supervision CertOrganization of Orthodox Kashruth Supervision Cert
The Organization of Orthodox Kashruth Supervision Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Organization of Orthodox Kashruth Supervision Cert.
Orthodox Costa Rican Community Kosher CertOrthodox Costa Rican Community Kosher Cert
The Orthodox Costa Rican Community Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Orthodox Rabbincal Board of Broward (ORB) CertOrthodox Rabbincal Board of Broward (ORB) Cert
The Orthodox Rabbincal Board of Broward (ORB) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Orthodox Rabbincal Board of Broward (ORB) Cert logo.
OU FishOU Fish
The OU Fish Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the OU Fish Kosher Cert logo.
OU Kosher DairyOU Kosher Dairy
The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (the “Orthodox Union”) is the sole and exclusive owner of the OU Kosher Logo certification mark, a federally and internationally registered trademark for kosher certification. The appearance of “D” next to the OU mark means that the product contains dairy ingredients.
OU Kosher MeatOU Kosher Meat
The OU Kosher Meat attribute includes all products that ber the 'OU Kosher Meat' logo.
P - Pareve, Parve, ParevP - Pareve, Parve, Parev
The Kosher for Passover Cert attribute includes all products that are specifically desginated as kosher for passover.
Parev (Kosher Vegetarian)Parev (Kosher Vegetarian)
The Parev certification signifies that a product is kosher and does not contain milk or meat ingredients.
Pareve (Kosher Vegetarian)Pareve (Kosher Vegetarian)
The Parve certification signifies that a product is kosher and does not contain milk or meat ingredients.
Parve (Kosher Vegetarian)Parve (Kosher Vegetarian)
The Parve certification signifies that a product is kosher and does not contain milk or meat ingredients.
Petach Tivka Kosher for Passover CertPetach Tivka Kosher for Passover Cert
The Petach Tivka Kosher for Passover Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Petach Tivka Kosher for Passover Cert.
Plain KPlain K
Kosher is the world’s leading kosher certification agency – recognized as the global benchmark for kosher standards and integrity.
Quality Kosher SupervisionQuality Kosher Supervision
The Quality Kosher Certification logo is applied to products that are certified kosher by Rabbi Areyh Spero.
Quality Kosher Supervision 2 CertQuality Kosher Supervision 2 Cert
The Quality Kosher Supervision 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Quality Kosher Supervision 2 Cert.
Quality System Certification-Kosher CertQuality System Certification-Kosher Cert
The Quality System Certification-Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Quality System Certification-Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum Kosher CertRabbi Aaron Teitelbaum Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Avi Amsalem Kosher CertRabbi Avi Amsalem Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Avi Amsalem Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach Kosher CertRabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach Kosher Cert Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach Kosher Cert 
The Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Berti Derofe Kosher CertRabbi Berti Derofe Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Berti Derofe Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Binyamin Halevi Gruber Kosher CertRabbi Binyamin Halevi Gruber Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Binyamin Halevi Gruber Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Binyamin Halevi Gruber Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Binyomin Gruber Kosher CertRabbi Binyomin Gruber Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Binyomin Gruber Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Binyomin Y. Edery CertRabbi Binyomin Y. Edery Cert
The Rabbi Binyomin Y. Edery Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Chaim Yeshaya Koenig Kosher CertRabbi Chaim Yeshaya Koenig Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Chaim Yeshaya Koenig Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Rabbi Chaim Yeshaya Koenig Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Dovid Katz Kosher CertRabbi Dovid Katz Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Dovid Katz Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Dovid Katz Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Eliezer Lieber Kosher CertRabbi Eliezer Lieber Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Eliezer Lieber Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Eliezer Lieber Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Gringas Kosher CertRabbi Gringas Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Gringas Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Gruber Kosher CertRabbi Gruber Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Gruber Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Gruber Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Halevi Gruber Kosher CertRabbi Halevi Gruber Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Halevi Gruber Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Rabbi Halevi Gruber Kosher Cert.
Rabbi J.M. Charlap Kosher CertRabbi J.M. Charlap Kosher Cert
The Rabbi J.M. Charlap Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi J.M. Charlap Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Kosher Seal Italy CertRabbi Kosher Seal Italy Cert
The Rabbi Kosher Seal Italy Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Kosher Seal Italy Cert.
Rabbi M. A. Ilionwitz Kosher CertRabbi M. A. Ilionwitz Kosher Cert
The Rabbi M. A. Ilionwitz Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Rabbi M. A. Ilionwitz Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Machzikei Hadas Kosher CertRabbi Machzikei Hadas Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Machzikei Hadas Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Machzikei Hadas Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Meir Suissa and Rav Ezori Kosher CertRabbi Meir Suissa and Rav Ezori Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Meir Suissa and Rav Ezori Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Meir Suissa and Rav Ezori Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Mordechai Kaplinsky Kosher CertRabbi Mordechai Kaplinsky Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Mordechai Kaplinsky Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Mordechai Kaplinsky Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Mordechai Kaplinsky Kosher2 CertRabbi Mordechai Kaplinsky Kosher2 Cert
The Rabbi Mordechai Kaplinsky Kosher2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Mordechai Kaplinsky Kosher2 Cert.
Rabbi Moshe Roth Kosher CertRabbi Moshe Roth Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Moshe Roth Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Moshe Roth Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Nahum Ephraim Kosher CertRabbi Nahum Ephraim Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Nahum Ephraim Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Nahum Ephraim Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Pinchas Avraham Myers Kosher CertRabbi Pinchas Avraham Myers Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Pinchas Avraham Myers Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Pinchas Avraham Myers Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Shehakol Kosher CertRabbi Shehakol Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Shehakol Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger (Version 2) Kosher CertRabbi Shlomo Gissinger (Version 2) Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger (Version 2) Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger Kosher CertRabbi Shlomo Gissinger Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern Kosher CertRabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Westheim Kosher CertRabbi Westheim Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Westheim Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Westheim Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Yechiel Babad Kosher CertRabbi Yechiel Babad Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Yechiel Babad Kosher Certified attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Yechiel Babad Kosher certification.
Rabbi Yechiel Steinmetz Kosher CertRabbi Yechiel Steinmetz Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Yechiel Steinmetz Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Yechiel Steinmetz Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Yehoshua Katz Kosher CertRabbi Yehoshua Katz Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Yehoshua Katz Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Yehoshua Katz Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer Kosher CertRabbi Yehuda Kelemer Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer Kosher Cert.
Rabbi Yosef Ber Shalom Kosher CertRabbi Yosef Ber Shalom Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Yosef Ber Shalom Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Yosef Kosher CertRabbi Yosef Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Yosef Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rabbi Yosef Levertov Kosher CertRabbi Yosef Levertov Kosher Cert
The Rabbi Yosef Levertov Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Rabbi Yosef Levertov Kosher Cert.
Rabbinate of Madrid Kosher CertRabbinate of Madrid Kosher Cert
The Rabbinate of Madrid Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbinate of Madrid Kosher Cert.
Rabbinate of Russia Kosher 1 CertRabbinate of Russia Kosher 1 Cert
The Rabbinate of Russia Kosher 1 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbinate of Russia Kosher 1 Cert.
Rabbinate of Russia Kosher 2 CertRabbinate of Russia Kosher 2 Cert
The Rabbinate of Russia Kosher 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbinate of Russia Kosher 2 Cert.
Rabbinical Council of British Columbia CertRabbinical Council of British Columbia Cert
The Rabbinical Council of British Columbia Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Rabbinical Council of British Columbia Cert logo.
Rabbinical Council of New EnglandRabbinical Council of New England
The Rabbinical Council of New England, is the oldest continually operational group of Rabbis on the eastern seaboard. This organiziation is responsible for the certification of Kosher food. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
The RCC K attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rhode Island Kosher CertRhode Island Kosher Cert
The Rhode Island Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Rhode Island Kosher Cert.
Safed Rabbinate Kosher CertSafed Rabbinate Kosher Cert
The Safed Rabbinate Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Safed Rabbinate Kosher Cert.
The Safed Rabbinate Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Scroll KScroll K
The Scroll K attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Services International Kosher SupervisionServices International Kosher Supervision
The Services International Kosher Certification shield on a product implies that the product has been certified kosher by the Services International Kosher Supervision.
Shield KShield K
The Shield K Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Shield K' logo.
Shield Star KShield Star K
The Shield Star Kosher logo is applied to products that are certified kosher by kosher technical consultants. The kosher policies of the Shield Star K® are governed by a committee of a world renowned experts in kosher law. They review and decide all questions of Halacha (Jewish Law) which may exist.
Shomron Kosher CertShomron Kosher Cert
The Shomron Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Singapore Kashruth Services-Asia Kosher CertSingapore Kashruth Services-Asia Kosher Cert
The Singapore Kashruth Services-Asia Kosher Certattribute includes all products that bear the Singapore Kashruth Services-Asia Kosher Cert logo.
SKS Shatz Kosher CertSKS Shatz Kosher Cert
The SKS Shatz Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the SKS Shatz Kosher Cert.
South Tampa Kosher CertSouth Tampa Kosher Cert
The South Tampa Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a South Tampa Kosher Cert.
Star D KosherStar D Kosher
Star-D is provided by Star-K Kosher Certification. As Star-K has a policy of not certifying a dairy product or establishment that is not chalav yisrael, the Star-D label is offered to those products and establishments that contain or serve non cholov yisroel ingredients. Star-D is administered by the Star-K but sponsored by the National Council of Young Israel of the United States. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/22/2015.
STAR-K Kosher Certification is a guarantee that food products and ingredients meet all kosher requirements. This certification also authorizes the manufacturer to display the STAR-K emblem on the product to advertise its kosher status. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Stark-K S Kosher CertStark-K S Kosher Cert
The Stark-K S Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Strasbourg France Kosher CertStrasbourg France Kosher Cert
The Strasbourg France Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Strasbourg France Kosher Cert.
SVK Kosher CertSVK Kosher Cert
The SVK Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Tablet-K KosherTablet-K Kosher
The Tablet K Kosher Certification shield is used to signify products are certified kosher under Rabbi Rafael Saffra
Tarnopol Kashrus KosherTarnopol Kashrus Kosher
The Tarnopol Kashrus Kosher attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
TBD Kosher CertTBD Kosher Cert
The TBD Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a TBD Kosher Cert.
The Bais Din Tzedek of the Eida Hachareidis of Jerusalem Kosher CertificationThe Bais Din Tzedek of the Eida Hachareidis of Jerusalem Kosher Certification
The Bais Din Tzedek of the Eida Hachareidis of Jerusalem Kosher certification shield is given to products that are deemd kosher by the The Bais Din Tzedek of the Eida Hachareidis of Jerusalem
The Ner Tamid K Kosher CertThe Ner Tamid K Kosher Cert
The The Ner Tamid K Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the The Ner Tamid K Kosher Cert.
Three Line KThree Line K
Three Line K Kosher certification is certified by Rabbi Kelemer & Associates. The initial capture of the certification started on 9/30/2016.
Tidewater Kosher CertTidewater Kosher Cert
The Tidewater Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Tidewater Kosher Cert logo.
Top-K France Kosher CertTop-K France Kosher Cert
The Top-K France Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Top-K France Kosher Cert.
Triangle K (Dairy)Triangle K (Dairy)
The Triangle K Dairy Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Triangle K Dairy Kosher' logo.
Triangle K (kashrut)Triangle K (kashrut)
The Triangle K certification provides kosher certification for food and beverage products. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
U-K Kashrus OrganizationU-K Kashrus Organization
The U-K Kashrus Organization Cert attribute includes all products that bear the U-K Kashrus Organization Cert logo.
UM KosherUM Kosher
The UM Kosher Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'UM Kosher' Cert logo.
United Kosher Supervision CertUnited Kosher Supervision
The United Kosher Supervision Cert attribute includes all products that bear the United Kosher Supervision Cert.
United States Kosher KUnited States Kosher K
The United States Kosher K certification is provided to products marked kosher by Kosher Overseers Associates of America.
USA Dairy Kosher CertUSA Dairy Kosher Cert
The USA Dairy Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear a USA Dairy Kosher Cert.
USA Kosher CertUSA Kosher Cert
The USA Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USA Kosher Cert.
Vaad HaKashrus of Montana Kosher CertVaad HaKashrus of Montana Kosher Cert
The Vaad HaKashrus of Montana Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Vaad HaKashrus of Montana Kosher Cert.
Vaad Hakashrus of San Antonio Kosher CertVaad Hakashrus of San Antonio Kosher Cert
The Vaad Hakashrus of San Antonio Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Vaad HaKashrut Badatz Chareidim Kosher CertVaad HaKashrut Badatz Chareidim Kosher Cert
The Vaad HaKashrut Badatz Chareidim Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Vaad HaKashrut Badatz Chareidim Kosher Cert.
Vaad Hakashruth of Kansas City CertVaad Hakashruth of Kansas City Cert
The Vaad Hakashruth of Kansas City Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Vaad Hakashruth of Kansas City Cert logo.
Vaad Harabanim of Flatbush CertVaad Harabanim of Flatbush Cert
The Vaad Harabanim of Flatbush Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Vaad Harabanim of Flatbush Cert logo.
Vaad HaRabonim Of Queens Kosher CertVaad HaRabonim Of Queens Kosher Cert
The Vaad HaRabonim Of Queens Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Vaad Hoeir KosherVaad Hoeir Kosher
Vaad Hoeir Kosher is certified by Kosher Inspection Service of The Vaad Hoeir of Saint Louis (OV). The initial capture of the certification started on 11/29/2015.
Vaad Mehadrin Tnuva Kosher CertVaad Mehadrin Tnuva Kosher Cert
The Vaad Mehadrin Tnuva Kosher Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
VK Kosher (Version 2) CertVK Kosher (Version 2) Cert
The VK Kosher (Version 2) Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
VK Kosher (Version 3) CertVK Kosher (Version 3) Cert
The VK Kosher (Version 3) Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
VK Kosher CertVK Kosher Cert
The VK Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the VK Kosher Cert.
Volove KashrusVolove Kashrus
The Volve Kosher Cert attribute is given to products that bear the Volve Kosher certification logo.
Volove VK Kashrus CertVolove VK Kashrus Cert
The Volove VK Kashrus Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Volove VK Kashrus Cert.
Whole Kosher ServicesWhole Kosher Services
The Whole Kosher Services attribute is given to products that bear the Whole Kosher Services certification logo.
Wisconsin KWisconsin K
The Wisconsin K attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Worcester Kosher CertWorcester Kosher Cert
The Worcester Kosher Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Worcester Kosher Cert.


Certified Naturally GrownCertified Naturally Grown
Certified Naturally Grown attribute includes all products that present a Certified Naturally Grown logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
EcoCert - Cosmos Natural CertEcoCert - Cosmos Natural Cert
COSMOS-certified products are produced to the highest standards for organic and natural cosmetics, and are safe, effective and good to use
Natural CertifiedNatural Certified
The Natural Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear a 'Natural' logo.
Natural Products Association - Certified NatuNatural Products Association - Certified Natu
The Natural Products Association - Certified Nat certification includes all products that have published the Natural Products Association - Certified Nat stamp on their package.
Naturally Better With You in MindNaturally Better With You in Mind
The Naturally Better With You in Mind shield is applied to food and beverage products that do not contain any of the certification body's unallowed ingredients.


Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a non-gmo certification (by an accredited non-gmo certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

BioChecked Non-GMO Verified CertBioChecked Non-GMO Verified Cert
The BioChecked Non-GMO Verified CErt attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Bob's Red Mill Non-GMO Sourced PledgeBob's Red Mill Non-GMO Sourced Pledge
The Bob's Red Mill Non-GMO attribute is given to products that bear the Bob's Red Mill Non-Gmo sourced logo. This indicates that the ingredients Bob's Red Mill source for their wholesome products have been declared by their suppliers to be made without the use of modern biotechnology.
Certified CleanCertified Clean
The Certified Clean Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Certified Clean Cert logo.
Certified GMO-Free ProductCertified GMO-Free Product
The Certified GMO-Free Product Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Certified GMO-Free Product' logo.
Certified RawCertified Raw
The Certified Raw attribute is given to products that bear the 'Certified Raw' logo. Products that qualify to be Certified Raw are 100% non-GMO and most of the ingredients must be organic. The product must be alive and have a high amount of bio-available enzymes. The product must be whole, minimally processed and have a high ANDI nutent score.
GMO FreeGMO Free
The GMO Free Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'GMO Free' logo.
GMO-Guard from Natural Food CertifiersGMO-Guard from Natural Food Certifiers
The GMO-Guard from Natural Food Certifiers certification includes all products that have published the GMO-Guard from Natural Food Certifiers stamp on their package.
Green Leaf Non- GMO CertifiedGreen Leaf Non- GMO Certified
The Green Leaf Non-GMO Certification shield indicates that the product bearing the seal has gone through the Green Leaf Non GMO verification process. The verification is an assurance that a product has been produced according to consensus-based best practices and quality control for GMO avoidance.
Greenstar Certified GMO FreeGreenstar Certified GMO Free
The Greenstar GMO Free seal is used by producers who have provided to Green Star laboratory results that their produce or products are GMO free.
IGEN Non-GMO Tested CertIGEN Non-GMO Tested Cert
The International Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Evaluation and Notification™ (IGEN™) Program is the only third party testing and certification program that evaluates the presence or absence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in products, and the ingredients used to make them, using validated analytical methods. The IGEN™ Program is a program provided exclusively by Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc.
Nestle - No GMO IngredientsNestle - No GMO Ingredients
Nestle's No GMO Ingredients logo is used on packages to identify which Nestlé USA food and beverage products do not contain GMO ingredients. We believe using a common logo will enable people to understand which products do not contain GMO ingredients more quickly and easily.
Non GMO by EarthKosherNon GMO by EarthKosher
EarthKosher Non GMO is certified by EarthKosher Certification Agency.
Non GMO CertifiedNon GMO Certified
The Non GMO Certified attribute includes any food or beverage product that has a published symbol, logo or certification relating to or claiming to be non-GMO.
Non GMO FlowerNon GMO Flower
The Non GMO Flower Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Non GMO Flower' logo.
The Non GMO by NSF seal is applied to food and beverage products that are certified non-GMO by NSF. The Certification incorporates elements from the EU and Vermont GMO labeling requirements and pulls best practice from commonly used leading food safety standards. .
Non GMO Project VerifiedNon GMO Project Verified
The Non GMO Project Verified certification includes all products that have published the Non GMO Project Verified stamp on their package.
Non GMO VerifiedNon GMO Verified
The Non GMO Verified Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Non GMO Verified' logo.
The Non GMO/GE NSF Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Non GMO/GE NSF Cert logo.
Non-GMO Verified Nordic NaturalNon-GMO Verified Nordic Natural
The Non-GMO Verified Nordic Natural Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Non-GMO Verified Nordic Natural' logo.
USDA BioengineeredUSDA Bioengineered
The USDA Bioengineered Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Bioengineered Cert logo.

Nonprofit/Association/Brand Endorsements

3-Every-Day of Dairy Health3-Every-Day of Dairy Health
3-Every-Day of Dairy Health Certification
Alaska Seafood Cert Responsible FisheryAlaska Seafood Cert Responsible Fishery
The Alaska Seafood Certified Responsible Fisheries program is a voluntary and internationally accredited certification assessment managed on strict criteria that consists of two seafood certification standards:Fisheries Standard and a Chain of Custody Standard. It is also based on the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) criteria and is one of the few programs that is accredited under the ISO 17065 code.
Alaska Seafood Marketing InstituteAlaska Seafood Marketing Institute
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute' logo.
Allure Best of Beauty (No Year)Allure Best of Beauty (No Year)
The Allure Best of Beauty (No Year) attribute includes all products that bear the 'Allure Best of Beauty' logo.
Allure Best of Beauty 2013Allure Best of Beauty 2013
Allure Magazine's editors review thousands of products each year. Based on their experience, they compile a list of 'best of' products and award those products with the "Best of Beauty" award for that year.
Allure Best of Beauty 2015Allure Best of Beauty 2015
Allure Magazine's editors review thousands of products each year. Based on their experience, they compile a list of 'best of' products and award those products with the "Best of Beauty" award for that year.
Allure Best of Beauty 2016Allure Best of Beauty 2016
The Allure Best Beauty 2016 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Allure Best Beauty 2016' logo.
American Dental AssociationAmerican Dental Association
The American Dental Association's (ADA) Seal of Acceptance is a trusted symbol of a dental product's safety and effectiveness. In order to earn the Seal, manufacturers must supply objective data from clinical and/or laboratory studies that support the product's safety, effectiveness, and promotional claims.
American Diabetes AssociationAmerican Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association attribute includes all products that have published any symbol, logo or certification relating to or claiming to be approved by or made in collaboration with the American Diabetes Association.
American Heart Association CertifiedAmerican Heart Association Certified
The American Heart Association Certified attribute includes all products that have published the symbol by Heart-Check Food Certification Program on their packaging.
American Podiatric Medical AssociationAmerican Podiatric Medical Association
The American Podiatric Medical Association certification attribute includes all products that have published the American Podiatric Medical Association seal on their packaging.
Applied Sensory PanelApplied Sensory Panel
The Applied Sensory Panel Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Applied Sensory Panel' logo.
Ashley Koff ApprovedAshley Koff Approved
The Ashley Koff Approved shield is given to products that Registered dietician Ashley Koff has evaluated tens of thousands of products to enable better health – foods, supplements, beauty, and accessories – for nearly two decades so that you can confidently chose better
Asthma & Allergy FriendlyAsthma & Allergy Friendly
Asthma & Allergy Friendly Certification Program is managed by Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). The program independently tests and identifies consumer products that are more suitable for people living with asthma and allergies.
Autism Hope Alliance ApprovedAutism Hope Alliance Approved
The Autism Hope Alliance Approved Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Autism Hope Alliance Approved' logo.
BCT Union Made CertBCT Union Made Cert
The BCT Union Made Cert attribute includes all products that bear the BCT Union Made Cert.
The BCTGM Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'BCTGM' logo.
Box Top for EducationBox Top for Education
Box Top for Education is a program collaborating with schools. Each of the Box Top for Education seal can be clipped and redeemed for 10 cents for school.
Breast Cancer Research Foundation CertBreast Cancer Research Foundation Cert
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation attribute includes all products that bear the Breast Cancer Research Foundation certification icon.
Breyer Milk and Cream PromiseBreyer Milk and Cream Promise
The Breyers Milk and Cream Promise Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Breyers Milk and Cream Promise Cert logo.
Brighter SmileBrighter Smile
The Brighter Smile Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Brighter Smile Cert logo.
California Olive Oil Council-Extra VirginCalifornia Olive Oil Council-Extra Virgin
The Certified Extra Virgin by COOC attribute is given to products that bear the Certified Extra Virgin by COOC shield. This certification provides consumers and retailers with assurance that the oil they purchase is in fact extra virgin grade and provide producers and marketers with a standardized method of grading their 100% California olive oil as extra virgin.
Canadian Dental AssociationCanadian Dental Association
The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) Seal Program is a symbol that identifies products that are of benefit to the oral health of consumers. The Seal is designed to help the public and dental professionals make informed choices.
The CARE Cert attribute includes all products that bear the CARE Cert logo.
Certified Angus BeefCertified Angus Beef
Certified Angus Beef is the best Angus brand available. It's a cut above USDA Prime, Choice and Select. Ten quality standards, including abundant marbling, ensure every bite is exceptionally flavorful, incredibly tender and naturally juicy. The initial capture of the certification started on 10/1/2015.
Certified WBENCCertified WBENC
WBENC Certification validates that the business is 51 percent owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman or women. WBENC Certification gives women owned businesses the ability to compete for real-time business opportunities provided by WBENC Corporate Members and government agencies.
Chefs Best-ExcellenceChefs Best-Excellence
The Chefs Best Excellence Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Chefs Best Excellence Cert logo.
Clean The World CertClean The World Cert
The Clean The World Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Cold Pressured ProtectedCold Pressured Protected
Cold Pressured Protected attribute includes all products that present a Cold Pressured Protected logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 9/29/2015.
Conformite Europeene (CE)Conformite Europeene (CE)
The CE marking (an acronym for the French "Conformite Europeenne") certifies that a product has met EU health, safety, and environmental requirements, which ensure consumer safety. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
Convoy of HopeConvoy of Hope
The Convoy of Hope Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Convoy of Hope Cert logo.
Employee Owned CertifiedEmployee Owned Certified
The Employee Owned Certification attribute includes all products that are Employee Owned Company certification on package.
EWG VerifiedEWG Verified
The EWG Verified Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'EWG Verified' logo.
Farm AfricaFarm Africa
The Farm Africa Certification attribute includes all products that bear the Farm Africa Certification logo.
FC BarcelonaFC Barcelona
The FC Barcelona Cert attribute includes all products that bear the FC Barcelona Cert logo.
FDA LogoFDA Logo
The FDA Logo Cert attribute includes all products that bear the FDA Logo Cert logo.
Feed My Starving Children CertFeed My Starving Children Cert
The Feed My Starving Children Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Fresh Breath CertifiedFresh Breath Certified
The Fresh Breath Certified attribute includes all products that bear the Fresh Breath Certified logo.
Fruits & Veggies More MattersFruits & Veggies More Matters
Fruits & Veggies-More Matters is a health initiative focused on helping Americans increase fruit and vegetable consumption for better health. Products that carry this logo must meet strict nutrition criteria of standards set by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) which ensures the product contains an overall healthy nutrient profile. The initial capture of the certification started on 10/1/2015.
Ganeden BC30 ProbioticGaneden BC30 Probiotic
The Ganeden BC30 Probiotic Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Ganeden BC30 Probiotic' logo.
GloryBee Save the Bee CertGloryBee Save the Bee Cert
The GloryBee Save the Bee Cert attribute includes all products that bear a GloryBee Save the Bee Cert.
Good Housekeeping - Limited WarrantyGood Housekeeping - Limited Warranty
Good Housekeeping Limited Warranty Seal is certified by Good Housekeeping. If any product that bears this seal proves to be defective within two years from the date it was first sold to a consumer by an authorized retailer, Good Housekeeping will refund the purchase price or $2,000, whichever is less or, at Good Housekeeping's sole discretion, repair or replace the product.
Good Housekeeping Nutritionist ApprovedGood Housekeeping Nutritionist Approved
The Good Housekeeping Nutritionist Approved Certification logo is found on products that have been approved by the GH Nutritionist. The new GH Nutritionist Approved emblem helps consumers lead healthier lives by empowering them to make informed food choices. Brands that align with GH Nutritionist Approved core values — simplicity, transparency and innovation — are eligible to earn the use of the emblem on their packaging and marketing materials
Good Housekeeping- Limited Warranty 2Good Housekeeping- Limited Warranty 2
The Good Housekeeping- Limited Warranty 2 attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
HyVee Clean Honest IngredientsHyVee Clean Honest Ingredients
The HyVee Clean Honest Ingredients Certification Attribute is given to Hy-Vee label food items that do not contain artificial ingredients, synthetic chemicals or high fructose corn syrup.
The IFOS Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'IFOS' logo.
Independent Craft BrewerIndependent Craft Brewer
The Certified Independent Brewer shield is provided to brewers through the Brewers Association that are qualifying independent brewers.The independent craft brewer seal is a handy tool for enthusiasts to easily differentiate beer from craft brewers and beer produced by other, non-craft companies.
International Aloe Science Council CertificateInternational Aloe Science Council Certificate
The International Aloe Science Council Certificate Cert attribute includes all products that bear the International Aloe Science Council Certificate Cert logo.
Intertribal Agriculture Council Authentic Native ProductsIntertribal Agriculture Council Authentic Native Products
The Intertribal Agriculture Council Authentic Native Products Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Intertribal Agriculture Council Authentic Native Products' logo
Kellogg Family RewardsKellogg Family Rewards
The Kellogg Family Rewards Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Kellogg Family Rewards' logo.
Labels for Education CertLabels for Education Cert
The Labels for Education Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Labels for Education Cert.
Let's PlayLet's Play
The Let's Play Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Let's Play' logo. Let’s Play is a community partnership led by Dr Pepper Snapple Group to get kids and families to play nationwide
Life's DHALife's DHA
The Life's DHA Cert Attribute is given to products that bear the Life's DHA logo. This logo indicates that the product is a vegetarian source of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) omega-3 from algae that provides important brain and eye benefits throughout life. life’sDHA® goes straight to the source, resulting in a sustainable, high quality product rich in DHA omega-3.
The Life DHA ARA Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Life DHA ARA' logo.
Live & Active CulturesLive & Active Cultures
The Live & Active Cultures certification attribute includes all products that have published the Live & Active seal by National Yogurt Association on their packaging.
Madden NFL 2018Madden NFL 2018
The Madden NFL 2018 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Madden NFL 2018 Cert logo.
Made SafeMade Safe
The Made Safe Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Made Safe' logo.
Master's Mark WisconsinMaster's Mark Wisconsin
The Master's Mark Wisconsin Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Master's Mark Wisconsin logo.
Member of Organic Trade AssociationMember of Organic Trade Association
The Member of Organic Trade Association attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
NAOOA Certified QualityNAOOA Certified Quality
The NAOOA Certified Quality attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
NAOOA Certified Quality 2NAOOA Certified Quality 2
The NAOOA Certified Quality 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'NAOOA Certified Quality 2' logo.
National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. Cert attribute includes all products that bear the National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. Cert logo.
National Eczema AssociationNational Eczema Association
The National Eczema Association (NEA) Seal of Acceptance is established by NEA to encourage/recognize product innovations that provide benefits and improve the quality of life for people with eczema and sensitive skin. Product carrying this logo has to omit a list of ingredients and contents defined by NEA Seal of Acceptance program.
National Kefir AssociationNational Kefir Association
The National Kefir Association Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'National Kefir Association' logo.
National Psoriasis Foundation RecognizedNational Psoriasis Foundation Recognized
The National Psoriasis Foundation Recognized Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'National Psoriasis Foundation Recognized' logo.
Nonprofit/Association/Brand EndorsementsNonprofit/Association/Brand Endorsements Certified
The NonProfit/Assocation/Brand Endorsements Cert attribute includes all products that bear an endorsement from a NonProfit, Assocation or Brand.
North American Olive Oil AssociationNorth American Olive Oil Association
The North American Olive Oil Association Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'North American Olive Oil Association' logo.
NSF - Certified for SportNSF - Certified for Sport
The NSF - Certified for Sport Cert attribute includes all products that bear the NSF - Certified for Sport Cert logo.
The Nutrifusion Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Nutrifusion' logo.
Pacific Foods Certified To The SourcePacific Foods Certified To The Source
The Certified to the Source Cert is a logo provided to Pacific Foods products that are certified to the source.
Papa Johns PizzaPapa Johns Pizza
The Papa Johns Pizza Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Papa Johns Pizza Cert logo.
Parent Tested Parent ApprovedParent Tested Parent Approved
The Parent Tested Parent Approved Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Parent Tested Parent Approved' logo
Product of the YearProduct of the Year
The Product of the Year Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Product of the Year' logo.
Project Left BehindProject Left Behind
The Project Left Behind Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Project Left Behind' Certification logo.
Protected Designation of Origin (AGROCERT)Protected Designation of Origin (AGROCERT)
The Protected Designation of Origin (AGROCERT) attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)
The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)
The Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Quality CertifiedQuality Certified
The Quality Certified certification group includes products that have any quality certification on their package.
Radura Symbol Irradiation TreatmentRadura Symbol Irradiation Treatment
The Radura is the international symbol indicating a food product has been irradiated. The initial capture of the certification started on 10/1/2015.
Real Dairy SymbolReal Dairy Symbol
The Real Seal is a certification that indicates dairy products made from U.S. produced cow's milk processed in a U.S. facility and conform to standards for milk and dairy products.
SAFE - Save Animals From Extinction CertSAFE - Save Animals From Extinction Cert
The SAFE - Save Animals From Extinction Cert attributes includes all products that bear a SAFE - Save Animals From Extinction Cert.
San Marzano TomatoesSan Marzano Tomatoes
The San Marzano Tomatoes Cert attribute includes all products that bear the San Marzano Tomatoes Cert logo.
SmartLabel is an innovative program that allows consumers to know more about what's in the food they eat. A SmartLabel page contains transparent data relating to nutrients, ingredients, allergens, marketing claims and even detailed information about the brand.
The Skin Cancer Foundation ActiveThe Skin Cancer Foundation Active
The The Skin Cancer Foundation Active Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'The Skin Cancer Foundation Active' logo.
The Skin Care Foundation Daily UseThe Skin Care Foundation Daily Use
The The Skin Cancer Foundation Daily Use Cert attributes includes all products that bear the 'The Skin Cancer Foundation Daily Use' logo.
Together in EducationTogether in Education
The Together in Education shield signifies that is on Harris Teeter brands. When these brands are purchased, a percentage of your purchase is donated to the school that your VIC card is linked to.
Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG)Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG)
The Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG) attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
USP Dietary Supplement VerifiedUSP Dietary Supplement Verified
The United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) means the supplement contains the ingredients listed on the label, in the declared strength and amounts, does not contain harmful levels of specified contaminants, is made according to FDA and USP Good Manufacturing Practices, using sanitary and well-controlled processes, and will break down and dissolve within a specified amount of time so the active ingredients can be released and absorbed by the body.
Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC)Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC)
Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) Registered Seal is authorized by VOHC on products intended to help retard plaque and tartar on the teeth of animals.
Vitamin AngelsVitamin Angels
The Vitamin Angels Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Vitamin Angels Cert logo.
Whole Foods Premium Body Care CertWhole Foods Premium Body Care Cert
The Whole Foods Premium Body Care attribute includes products that have a Whole Foods Premium Body Care certification or logo on package.
Women OwnedWomen Owned
The Women Owned shield is applied to food and beverage products that are produced by a company that is owned and operated by a woman or women, as certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) in the United States and WEConnect International globally.
Women Owned 2Women Owned 2
The Women Owned (Option 2) Cert attribute is given to products tha bear the 'Women Owned (Option 2)' certification logo.


Nutrition Scoring Systems

Disney Mickey Check CertDisney Mickey Check Cert
The Disney Mickey Check Cert attribute includes all products that bear a Disney Mickey Check Cert.
Guiding Stars 1Guiding Stars 1
The Guiding Stars 1 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the '1 Guiding Star' logo. Since 2006, Guiding Stars has been making nutrition as easy as 1, 2, 3. They analyze foods using a patented algorithm and translate the nutrition information to a rating system that is easy to understand. The more stars, the better the value. 1 star indicates "good" nutritional value
Guiding Stars 3Guiding Stars 3
The Guiding Stars 2 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the '2 Guiding Star' logo. Since 2006, Guiding Stars has been making nutrition as easy as 1, 2, 3. They analyze foods using a patented algorithm and translate the nutrition information to a rating system that is easy to understand. The more stars, the better the value. 2 stars indicates "better" nutritional value
The MyPlate Cert attribute includes all products that bear the MyPlate Cert logo.
Nutrition Scoring SystemsNutrition Scoring Systems Certified
The Nutrition Scoring Systems Certified attribute includes all products that bear the Nutrition Scoring Systems Certified logo.
Walmart Great For YouWalmart Great For You
The Walmart Great For You Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Walmart Great For You' logo. Items with the Great For You icon must meet rigorous nutrition criteria informed by the latest nutrition science and authoritative guidance from the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Institute of Medicine (IOM). Developed in consultation with food and nutrition experts from the public and private sectors, as well as leading health organizations, the icon represents a collaborative and transparent effort to develop a trusted and reliable system for consumers.



Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for an organic certification (by an accredited organic certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

A Bee OrganicA Bee Organic
The A Bee Organic Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'A Bee Organic' logo.
ACO Certified OrganicACO Certified Organic
The ACO Certified Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the ACO Certified Organic Cert logo.
Agrencert OrganicAgrencert Organic
The Agrencert Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Agrencert Organic Cert logo.
Americert International Certified OrganicAmericert International Certified Organic
The Americert International Certified Organic Cert attribute include all products that bear the Americert International Certified Organic Cert logo.
Australian Certified OrganicAustralian Certified Organic
The Australian Certified Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Australian Certified Organic' logo.
Bio Latina Certified OrganicBio Latina Certified Organic
The Bio Latina Certified Organic attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
The Bioagricert Attribute is given to products that bear the Bioagricert logo. Bioagricert, which has been working in the sector of organic certification since 1984, provides effective and punctual controls according to national and international organic standards.
BioGro NZBioGro NZ
The BioGro NZ Cert attribute include all products that bear the BioGro NZ Cert logo.
CAAE Spain Organic CertCAAE Spain Organic Cert
The CAAE Spain Organic Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
California Certified Organic GrowersCalifornia Certified Organic Growers
CCOF is a nonprofit organization that advances organic agriculture for a healthy world through organic certification, education, advocacy, and promotion. The CCOF name and seal has been trusted worldwide since 1973. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Canada OrganicCanada Organic
The Canada Organic attribute is given to products that bear the 'Canada Organic' logo. The use of this logo is regulated by the rules laid out by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CIFA).
CCPB Certified OrganicCCPB Certified Organic
The CCPB Certified Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the CCPB Certified Organic Cert logo.
Ceres CertifiedCeres Certified
The CERES Certified shield on a product implies that the food or beverage product follows the CERES Organic Certification guidelines. CERES offers certification for organic farming and food processing, for Good Agricultural and Good Manufacturing Practices in the food industry, and for organic textiles and biofuels
Certified Organic - Kiwa BCS CertCertified Organic - Kiwa BCS Cert
The Certified Organic - Kiwa BCS Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Certified Organic - Kiwa BCS Cert logo.
Certified Organic Baystate Organic CertifiersCertified Organic Baystate Organic Certifiers
The Certified Organic Baystate Organic Certifiers attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Certified Organic by ICEACertified Organic by ICEA
ICEA, Environmental and Ethical Certification Institute, is a Consortium that certifies companies that defend workers dignity and rights of consumers. ICEA certifications cover both Food and Non-Food products and also carries out research and development in order to promote ecological innovation.
Certified Organic by OEFFACertified Organic by OEFFA
The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, or OEFFA, is one of the oldest, largest, and most respected organic certifying programs in the nation who is committed to the integrity of organics and providing farmers, handlers and processors a pathway for profitability. OEFFA uses education, advocacy, and grassroots organizing to promote local and organic food systems.
Certified Organic by Organic CertifiersCertified Organic by Organic Certifiers
The Certified Organic by Organic Certifiers attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Certified Organic by the New Mexico Department of AgricultureCertified Organic by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture
The Certified Organic by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Certified Organic by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture Cert Baselogo.
Certified Organic CCOFCertified Organic CCOF
Producers certified by CCOF have chosen to grow, process, and sell organic foods. We support organic producers and consumers by advocating for organic and providing information and resources on organic food and agriculture. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Certified Organic Clemson UniversityCertified Organic Clemson University
The Certified Organic Clemson University Cert attribute include all products that bear the Certified Organic Clemson University Cert logo.
Certified Organic IngredientsCertified Organic Ingredients
The Certified Organic Ingredients Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Certified Organic Ingredients' logo.
Certified Organic OCIACertified Organic OCIA
Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) International is one of the world's oldest, largest and most trusted leaders in the organic certification industry. A nonprofit, member-owned, agricultural organization, OCIA is dedicated to providing the highest quality organic certification services and access to global organic markets. Products with this logo are certified organic. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Certified Organic OCIA BiologiqueCertified Organic OCIA Biologique
Organic Crop Improvement Association, OCIA, is one of the largest organic certifying bodies in the industry. OCIA provides standards to govern production, processing, manufacturing, and practices for trade in order to help identify quality organic foods.
Certified Organic Oregon Department of AgricultureCertified Organic Oregon Department of Agriculture
The Certified Organic Oregon Dept of Agriculture Cert attribute include all products that bear the Certified Organic Oregon Dept of Agriculture Cert logo.
Certified Organic Quality Assurance InternationalCertified Organic Quality Assurance International
QAI (Quality Assurance International) is a leading USDA-accredited organic product certifying agency and is an active leader in the organic industry, advocating for high integrity organic regulations. QAI is committed to ensuring organic integrity at every link in the organic production chain and providing excellent customer service, domestically and internationally. Today, QAI is a member of the NSF International family of companies. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Colorado OrganicColorado Organic
The Colorado Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Colorado Organic Cert logo.
Cosmecert SASU - Cosmos Organic CertCosmecert SASU - Cosmos Organic Cert
The Cosmecert SASU - Cosmos Organic Certified attribute includes all products that bear the Cosmecert SASU - Cosmos Organic certification.
DIO Certified OrganicDIO Certified Organic
The DIO Certified Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the DIO Certified Organic Cert logo.
The EcoControl Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'EcoControl' logo.
EU Organic FarmingEU Organic Farming
The EU organic logo indicates that this product is in full conformity with the conditions and regulations for the organic farming sector established by the European Union. For processed products it means that at least 95% of the agricultural ingredients are organic.
Fair Trade - Ecocert CertFair Trade - Ecocert Cert
The process implies the long-term business commitments of buyers to producers and annual audit of the key operators in the supply chain, for fair trade organic products.
Florida Organic GrowerFlorida Organic Grower
The Florida Organic Grower Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Florida Organic Grower Cert logo.
Handler Certified Organic Washington StateHandler Certified Organic Washington State
The Handler Certified Organic Washington State Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Handler Certified Organic Washington State' logo.
IBD Certified OrganicIBD Certified Organic
The IBD Certified Organic attribute includes all products that bear an IBD Certified Organic certification.
ICEA Certificatio BiologicoICEA Certificatio Biologico
The ICEA Certificato Biologico Cert attribute include all products that bear the ICEA Certificato Biologico Cert logo.
ICEA Organic CertICEA Organic Cert
The ICEA Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the ICEA Organic Cert.
ICS CertifiedICS Certified
The ICS Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'ICS Certified' logo.
IFOAM AccreditedIFOAM Accredited
The IFOAM Accredited Certification attribute includes all products that bear the IFOAM Accredited Certification logo.
India OrganicIndia Organic
The India Organic Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'India Organic' certification logo.
Iowa Department of Agriculture Certified OrganicIowa Department of Agriculture Certified Organic
The Iowa Dept of Agriculture Certified Organic Cert attribute include all products that bear the Iowa Dept of Agriculture Certified Organic Cert logo.
JAS - Japanese Organic Regulation (Control Union Certifications)JAS - Japanese Organic Regulation (Control Union Certifications)
The JAS- Japanese Organic Regulation shield on a product implies that the product is certified organic by the Japanese authority (MAFF). MAFF accredits Control Unit Certifications (CUC) for the organic program (JAS organic)
Kosher Organics CertKosher Organics Cert
The Kosher Organics Cert Base attribute includes all products that bear the Kosher Organics Cert Base logo.
Made with Certified Organic IngredientsMade with Certified Organic Ingredients
The Made With Organic Ingredients Cert attribute is given to products that bear the specific 'Made With Organic Ingredients' logo.
MCIA Cert Organic 2MCIA Cert Organic 2
The MCIA Cert Organic 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'MCIA Cert Organic 2' logo.
MCIA Certified OrganicMCIA Certified Organic
The MCIA Certified Organic Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'MCIA Certified Organic' logo.
MCIA OrganicMCIA Organic
MCIA is accredited by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) to provide organic certification that allows display of the NOP Certified Organic seal on qualified products.
MOFGA Organic CertMOFGA Organic Cert
The MOFGA Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'MOFGA Organic' logo
MOSA OrganicMOSA Organic
The MOSA Organic Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Mosa Organic' Certification logo.
MOSA Organic Cert 2MOSA Organic Cert 2
The MOSA Organic 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the MOSA Organic 2 Cert logo.
Nature et ProgresNature et Progres
The Nature et Progres attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
NOFA-NY Certified Organic LLCNOFA-NY Certified Organic LLC
The NOFA-NY Certified Organic LLC Cert attribute includes all products that bear the NOFA-NY Certified Organic LLC Cert logo.
NSF Organic IngredientNSF Organic Ingredient
The NSF Contains Organic Ingredients Cert is applied to personal care products that contain at least 70 percent organic content by weight.
OCPP Verified OrganicOCPP Verified Organic
The OCPP Verified Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the OCPP Verified Organic Cert logo.
OEKO Organic CertOEKO Organic Cert
The OEKO Organic Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Onecert Certified OrganicOneCert Certified Organic
The OneCert Certified Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the OneCert Certified Organic Cert logo.
Oregon TilthOregon Tilth
Oregon Tilth provides certification services of the highest quality that reflect and respect your dedication to organics. Regardless of where you are in the certification process, our staff is committed to providing you with excellent customer service and technical assistance to ensure that your certification experience is educational, transparent and timely. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Organic Agriculture Certification ThailandOrganic Agriculture Certification Thailand
The Organic Agriculture Certification Thailand attribute includes all products that bear the Organic Agriculture Certification Thailand certification.
Organic CertifiedOrganic Certified
The Organic Certified attribute includes any food or beverage product that has a published symbol, logo or certification relating to or claiming to be organically certified.
Organic Certified by Global TrustOrganic Certified by Global Trust
The Organic Certified by Global Trust Cert attribute include all products that bear the Organic Certified by Global Trust Cert logo.
Organic Certifiers 2Organic Certifiers 2
The Organic Certifiers 2 Cert attribute include all products that bear the Organic Certifiers 2 Cert logo.
Organic Certifiers 3Organic Certifiers 3
The Organic Certifiers 3 attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Organic Crop Improvement Association INTLOrganic Crop Improvement Association INTL
The Organic Crop Improvement Association International Cert attribute is given to products that bear the Organic Crop Improvement Association International Certification logo.
Organic FarmingOrganic Farming
The Organic Farming Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Organic Farming Cert logo.
Organic Is Always Non GMOOrganic Is Always Non GMO
The Organic is Always Organic Non GMO Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Organic is Always Organic Non GMO' logo.
Organic Natural Food Certifiers CertOrganic Natural Food Certifiers Cert
The Organic Natural Food Certifiers Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
PrimusLabs Certified OrganicPrimusLabs Certified Organic
The PrimusLabs Certified Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the PrimusLabs Certified Organic Cert logo.
Pro-Cert OrganicPro-Cert Organic
The Pro-Cert Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Pro-Cert Organic Cert logo.
Processor Certified Organic Washington StateProcessor Certified Organic Washington State
The WSDA Organic Food Program, a USDA-accredited certifier, upholds the integrity of the organic label through certification and inspection of organic crop and livestock producers, processors, handlers and retailers. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
QCS Certified OrganicQCS Certified Organic
The QCS Certified Organic Cert attribute includes all products that bear the QCS Certified Organic Cert logo.
Quality Certification ServicesQuality Certification Services
QCS is a USDA and ISO/IEC 17065 accredited certification program that offers a wide array of certification options for farming, livestock, packing, handling, processing, and wild harvest operations. QCS is an industry leader with more than 25 years of experience in certification. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Registered Material for use in Organic AgricuRegistered Material for use in Organic Agricu
The National Organic Standards require that all certified organic producers, processors and handlers use materials that comply with the applicable parts of the Standards. The WSDA Organic Program maintains a list of products that we have determined meet the requirements under the National Organic Standards. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
SCS Global Services Certified OrganicSCS Global Services Certified Organic
The SCS Global Services Certified Organic Cert attribute include all products that bear the SCS Global Services Certified Organic Cert logo.
Soil Association Organic 2Soil Association Organic 2
The Soil Association Organic 2 Cert attribute include all products that bear the Soil Association Organic 2 Cert logo.
Stellar Certification ServicesStellar Certification Services
The Stellar Certification Services Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Stellar Certification Services' logo.
TCO CertTCO Cert
The TCO Cert attribute includes all products that bear the TCO Cert logo.
Transitional Certified by QAITransitional Certified by QAI
The Transitional Certified by QAI Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Transitional Certified by QAI Cert logo.
USDA OrganicUSDA Organic
The USDA Organic attribute includes any food or beverage product that has a USDA Organic Certification and meets each of the following requirements: 1) The product is produced without excluded methods, (e.g., genetic engineering, ionizing radiation, or sewage sludge); 2) The product is produced without any excluded substances (National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances); 3) The production of the product is overseen by a USDA National Organic Program-authorized certifying agent, following all USDA organic regulations.
Vermont Certified OrganicVermont Certified Organic
Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF), the certification branch of NOFA-VT, was created in 1985 to help growers and concerned consumers define what it meant to farm organically. VOF was accredited by the USDA in 2002 to verify that agricultural products are raised in accordance with NOP standards. The initial capturing of this certification began on 11/05/2013.
Vermont Certified Organic 2Vermont Certified Organic 2
The Vermont Certified Organic 2 Cert attribute include all products that bear the Vermont Certified Organic 2 Cert logo.
YOLO Certified Organic AgricultureYOLO Certified Organic Agriculture
The Yolo County Agricultural Commissioner's office is one of the few counties in California that offers an organic certification to qualfied producers and handlers. YCOA is a USDA accredited certification agency.


100% Colombian Coffee Cert100% Colombian Coffee Cert
The 100% Colombian Coffee Cert Attribute includes all products that bear the 100% Colombian Coffee Cert logo.
BPS Certified Product QualityBPS Certified Product Quality
The BPS Certified Product Quality Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'BPS Certified Product Quality' logo.
Certified Green PartnersCertified Green Partners
The Certified Green Partners attribute is given to products that bear the Certified Green Partners logo. The Certified Green Partners® (CGP) is an international and independent educational and certification organization committed to promoting the integration of sustainable practices across all industries. The CGP program is a combination of existing global environmental standards and practices, in order to help companies ensure quality, safety and efficiency.
HyVee Simple SourceHyVee Simple Source
The Simple Source logo on Hy-Vee private label products is an easy indication of a simpler ingredient list. Simple Source-labeled Hy-Vee brand products are free from artificial ingredients and synthetic chemicals.
The IFOS Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'IFOS' logo.
NAOOA Certified QualityNAOOA Certified Quality
The NAOOA Certified Quality attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
NAOOA Certified Quality 2NAOOA Certified Quality 2
The NAOOA Certified Quality 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'NAOOA Certified Quality 2' logo.
Pacific Foods Certified To The SourcePacific Foods Certified To The Source
The Certified to the Source Cert is a logo provided to Pacific Foods products that are certified to the source.
Quality CertifiedQuality Certified
The Quality Certified certification group includes products that have any quality certification on their package.
Whole Foods Premium Body Care CertWhole Foods Premium Body Care Cert
The Whole Food Premium Body Care products meet the strictest standards for quality sourcing, environmental impact, results and safety. Whole Foods has identified more than 400 ingredients unacceptable for Premium Body Care.


The 1 PET Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the '1 PET Recycle' logo.
Commonly found in soft drink, water & beer bottles; mouthwash bottles; peanut butter containers; salad dressing and vegetable containers; oven-ready food trays. This logo represents material made out of polyethylene terephthalate which is able to be recycled.
1 PET, PETE, Polyethylene Terephthalate1 PET, PETE, Polyethylene Terephthalate
The Polyethylene Terphthalate Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Polyethylene Terphthalate Recycle' logo.
The 1 PETE Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the '1 PETE Recycle' logo.
100 Percent Recycle100 Percent Recycle
The 100% Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the '100% Recycle' logo.
100% Recycle Circle100% Recycle Circle
The 100% Recycle Circle Cert attributes includes all products that bear the '100% Recycle Circle' logo.
Commonly found in milk jugs & juice bottles; bleach, detergent and household cleaner bottles; shampoo bottles; some trash and shopping bags; motor oil bottles; butter and yogurt tubs; cereal box liners. This logo represents material made out of high density polyethylene which is able to be recycled.
2 HDPE, High Density Polyethylene2 HDPE, High Density Polyethylene
Commonly found in milk jugs & juice bottles; bleach, detergent and household cleaner bottles; shampoo bottles; some trash and shopping bags; motor oil bottles; butter and yogurt tubs; cereal box liners. This logo represents material made out of high density polyethylene which is able to be recycled.
20 C PAP (PCB)20 C PAP (PCB)
This logo represents material made out of cardboard which is able to be recycled.
20 PAP20 PAP
The 20 PAP Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the '20 PAP Recycle' logo.
21 PAP21 PAP
This logo represents material made out of mixed paper which is able to be recycled. Commonly found in mixed paper magazines and mail.
22 PAP22 PAP
The 22 PAP Cert attribute includes all products that bear a 22 PAP Cert logo.
This logo represents material made out of paper which is able to be recycled.
3 PVC, Polyvinyl Chloride3 PVC, Polyvinyl Chloride
The 3 PVC, Polyvinyl Chloride Cert attribute includes all products that bear a 3 PVC, Polyvinyl Chloride Cert logo.
The 3 PVS Cert attribute includes all products that bear a 3 PVS Cert logo.
3 V3 V
The 3 V Cert attribute includes all products that bear a 3 V Cert logo.
3 V or PVC3 V or PVC
Commonly found in window cleaner and detergent bottles, shampoo bottles, clear food packaging, wire jacketing, medical equipment, siding, windows, piping. This logo represents material made out of vinyl or polyvinyl chloride which is able to be recycled.
The 4 LDPE Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the '4 LDPE Recycle' logo.
4 LDPE, Low Density Polyethylene4 LDPE, Low Density Polyethylene
The Low Density Polyethylene Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Low Density Polyethylene Recycle' logo.
Commonly found in squeezable bottles; bread, frozen food, dry cleaning and shopping bags; tote bags; clothing; furniture; carpet. This logo represents material made out of low density polyethylene which is able to be recycled.
40 FE40 FE
This logo represents material made out of steel which is able to be recycled.
41 ALU41 ALU
This logo represents material made out of aluminum which is able to be recycled.
5 PP5 PP
Commonly found in yogurt containers, syrup bottles, ketchup bottles, caps, straws, medicine bottles. This logo represents material made out of polypropylene which is able to be recycled.
5 PP  5 PP
The 5 PP Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the '5 PP Recycle' logo.
5 PP, Polyethylene5 PP, Polyethylene
The Polyethylene Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Polyethylene Recycle' logo.
6 PS6 PS
Commonly found in disposable plates and cups, meat trays, egg cartons, carry-out containers, aspirin bottles, compact disc cases. This logo represents material made out of polystyrene which is able to be recycled.
6 PS no 06 PS no 0
The 6 PS no 0 Cert attribute includes all products that bear a 6 PS no 0 Cert logo.
6 PS, Polystyrene6 PS, Polystyrene
The 6 PS, Polystyrene Cert attribute includes all products that bear a 6 PS, Polystyrene Cert logo.
7 Other7 Other
Commonly found in three and five gallon water bottles, bullet proof materials, sunglasses, dvds, ipod and computer cases, signs and displays, certain food containers, nylon. This logo represents material made out of a variety of sources which are able to be recycled.
7 PP7 PP
The 7 PP Cert attribute include all products that bear the 7 PP Cert logo.
70 GLS70 GLS
This logo represents material made out of mixed glass which is able to be recycled.
Commonly found in liquid storage containers, juice boxes, cardboard cans, cigarette pack liners, gum wrappers, cartage shells for blanks, fireworks colouring material and Tetra Brik. This logo represents material made out of paper and cardboard, plastic or aluminum which is able to be recycled.
9 or ABS9 or ABS
Commonly found in monitor & tv cases, coffee makers, cell phones, and most computer plastic. This logo represents material made out of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene which is able to be recycled.
The ALU Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'ALU' logo.
ALU RecycleALU Recycle
The ALU Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'ALU Recycle' logo.
BPA Free RecycleBPA Free Recycle
The BPA Free Recycle Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'BPA Free Recycle' logo.
BPI CompostableBPI Compostable
The BPI Compostable Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'BPI Compostable' logo.
Campbell Please RecycleCampbell Please Recycle
The Campbell's Please Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Campbell's Please Recycle' logo.
Campbell RecycleCampbell Recycle
The Campbell's Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Campbell's Recycle' logo.
Check Locally Paper CartonCheck Locally Paper Carton
The Check Locally Paper Carton Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Check Locally Paper Carton Recycle' logo. This logo indicates that the product has a paper carton that is not recyclable in all areas
Check Locally with XCheck Locally with X
The Check Locally Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Check Locally Recycling' logo.
Coca-Cola RecycleCoca-Cola Recycle
The Coca-Cola Recycle Cert includes all products that bear the 'Coca-Cola Recycle' logo.
Coors RecyclesCoors Recycles
The Coors Recycles Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Coors Recycles' logo.
Corrugated and Food Paper Shipping Sacks RecycleCorrugated and Food Paper Shipping Sacks Recycle
The Corrugated and Food Paper Shipping Sacks Recycle Certification includes all products that bear the Corrugated Food Paper Shipping Sacks Recycle Certification logo.
Corrugated RecyclesCorrugated Recycles
The Corrugated Recycles Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Corrugated Recycles' logo.
Dispose of ProperlyDispose of Properly
The Dispose of Properly Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Dispose of Properly' logo.
Enjoy Responsibly Please RecycleEnjoy Responsibly Please Recycle
The Enjoy Responsibly Please Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Enjoy Responsibly Please Recycle' logo.
Four in One Recycle Code - TaiwanFour in One Recycle Code - Taiwan
The Four in One Recycle Code - Taiwan Certification attribute includes all products that bear the Four in One Recycle Code - Taiwan Certification logo.
The Generic Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Generic Recycle' logo.
Glass RecyclesGlass Recycles
This logo is a reminder for the consumer that glass is a recyclable material.
HDPE RecycleHDPE Recycle
The HDPE Recycle Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'HDPE Recycle' logo.
How2Recycle-Empty and Discard Pump CertHow2Recycle-Empty and Discard Pump Cert
The How2Recycle-Empty and Discard Pump Cert attribute includes all products that bear a How2Recycle-Empty and Discard Pump Cert.
Keep It GoingKeep It Going
The Keep It Going Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Keep it Going' recycling logo.
Kellogg RecycleKellogg Recycle
The Kellogg Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Kellogg Recycle' logo.
Limited Recycling Check LocallyLimited Recycling Check Locally
This logo represents that recycling of the packaging of this product is limited, meaning 20%-60% of the U.S. can recycle this package type at curbside or municipal drop-off locations. This logo also alerts the consumer to check local recycling programs to see if this packaging is recycable.
My Coke RewardsMy Coke Rewards
The My Coke Rewards Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'My Coke Rewards' logo.
The PAP Cert attribute includes all products that bear a PAP Cert logo.
Paper Box Recycled MaterialPaper Box Recycled Material
The Paper Box Recycled Material Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Paper Box Recycled Materials' logo.
Paperboard Recycle Code 23Paperboard Recycle Code 23
The paperboard recycle seal is placed on products such as greeting cards, book covers, and frozen food boxes that are eligible for paper recycling.
Plant Bottle RecyclePlant Bottle Recycle
The Plant Bottle Recycle attribute is provided to products that bear the 'Plant Bottle Recycle' logo. This certification signifies that the bottle contains up to 30% plant-based 100% recyclable materials.
Please RecyclePlease Recycle
This logo can be found on products that have a Please Recycle symbol on it's packaging.
Please Recycle - Recicle este envase CertPlease Recycle - Recicle este envase Cert
The Please Recycle - Recicle este envase Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Please Recycle - Recicle este envase Cert.
Please Recycle 2Please Recycle 2
The Please Recycle 2 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Please Recycle 2' logo.
Post Consumer Recycled BottlePost Consumer Recycled Bottle
The Post Consumer Recycled Bottle Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Post Consumer Recycled Bottle' logo.
The Certified Recyclable includes all products that have published a recyclable logo, symbol, or stamp on their package.
Recyclable Aluminum PyramidRecyclable Aluminum Pyramid
The Recycle Aluminum Pyramid Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Recycle Aluminum Pyramid' logo.
Recycle 20Recycle 20
The Recycle 20 Cert attribute include all products that bear the Recycle 20 Cert logo.
Recycle 90Recycle 90
The Recycle 90 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Recycle 90' logo. Recycling code 90 indicates plastic/aluminum.
Recycle ArrowsRecycle Arrows
The Recycle Arrows Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Recycle Arrows' logo.
Recycle Code 1Recycle Code 1
The Recycle Code 1 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Recycle Code 1' logo.
Recycle Code 2Recycle Code 2
The Recycle Code 2 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Recycle Code 2' logo.
Recycle Code 41 ALURecycle Code 41 ALU
The Recycle Code 41 ALU Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Recycle Code 41 ALU' logo.
Recycle Code 81Recycle Code 81
The Recycle Code 81 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Recycle Code 81' logo.
Recycle Code 90Recycle Code 90
The Recycle Code 90 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Recycle Code 90' logo.
Recycle HeartRecycle Heart
The Recycle Heart Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Recycle Heart Cert logo.
Recycle ManRecycle Man
The Recycle Man Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Recycle Man' logo.
Recycle SmileRecycle Smile
The Recycle Smile Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Recycle Smile' logo.
Recycle XRecycle X
The Recycle X Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Recycle X' logo.
Recycling (Person in Middle)Recycling (Person in Middle)
The Recycling ( Person in middle) Cert attribute is given to products that bear the recycling logo with a person in the middle of the logo.
Recycling CertifiedRecycling Certified
The Recycling Logo Cert attribute includes all products that bear any recycling logo.
Recycling SymbolRecycling Symbol
The Recycling Symbol attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Recycling Tidy ManRecycling Tidy Man
The Tidy Man logo indicates that to dispose product carefully and thoughtfully. It is a reminder to be a good citizen and to dispose of the item in the most appripriate manner, it doesn't relate to recycling.
Red Recycle SteelRed Recycle Steel
The Red Recycle Steel Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Red Recycle Steel' logo.
This logo represents that the product has been made from recycled High Density Polyethylene material. The initial capture of the certification started on 11.16.15.
This logo represents that the product has been made out of recycled low density polyethylene material.
This logo represents that the product has been made out of recycled polyethylene terephthalate material.
This logo represents that the product has been made out of recycled polypropylene material.
This logo represents that the product has been made out of recycled polystyrene material.
This logo represents that the product has been made out of recycled vinyl or polyvinyl chloride material.
Small Recycle CircleSmall Recycle Circle
The Small Recycle Circle Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Small Recycle Circle' logo.
The Steel Recycling Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Steel Recycling' logo.
Steel RecycleSteel Recycle
The Steel Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Steel Recycle' logo.
STL RecycleSTL Recycle
The STL Recycle Cert includes all products that bear the 'STL Recycle' logo.
Store Drop OffStore Drop Off
This logo is seen on plastic bags, films, and wraps that can be recycled in retail store bins with plastic bags but do not qualify to be recycled in curbside bins.
Toms of Maine RecycleToms of Maine Recycle
The Toms of Maine Recycle Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Toms of Maine Recycle' logo.
Trash Only Not Yet RecycledTrash Only Not Yet Recycled
This logo is seen on products that have packaging material that is considered not yet recyclable because less than 20% of the U.S. population has access to this recycling material or it includes a known contaminant to common recycling systems.
TRIMAN - French Recycling SymbolTRIMAN - French Recycling Symbol
The TRIMAN - French Recycling Symbol Certification attribute includes all products that bear the TRIMAN - French Recycling Symbol Certification logo.
Widely RecycledWidely Recycled
This logo represents that the packaging of the product is widely recycled, meaning at least 60% of the U.S. population can recycle this package type at curbside or municipal drop-off locations.

Specialty Diet Types

Approved Food Product - FODMAP FriendlyApproved Food Product - FODMAP Friendly
The Approved Food Product - FODMAP Friendly Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Approved Food Product - FODMAP Friendly logo.
Certified KetogenicCertified Ketogenic
The Ketogenic Diet Certs attribute includes products that have certifications around being ketogenic diet certified, approved or friendly from leading third party certifiers.
Monash University Low FODMAP CertifiedMonash University Low FODMAP Certified
The Monash University Low FODMAP Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Monash University Low FODMAP Certified logo.
Paleo FriendlyPaleo Friendly
The Paleo Friendly certification includes all products that have published the Paleo Friendly stamp on their package.
Paleo Friendly by Paleo FoundationPaleo Friendly by Paleo Foundation
The Certified Paleo Friendly by the Paleo Foundation Certification Attribute is given to products that have been certified paleo by the Paleo Foundation. The Paleo Foundation is the world’s only third-party for verification for Paleo products. Operating internationally, the Paleo Foundation’s certification programs ensure that products have been comprehensively evaluated by an independent party for compliance with a standard developed by industry experts.
PBFA Certified Plant BasedPBFA Certified Plant Based
The PBFA Certified Plant Based certification attribute includes all products that bear the PBFA Certified Plant Based certification.
Specialty Diet TypesSpecialty Diet Types Certified
The Specialty Diet Type Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Specialty Diet Type Certified Cert logo.
Weight Watchers PointsPlusWeight Watchers PointsPlus
Weight Watcher PointPlus is the current Weight Watcher point system. The value on the seal represent the product in the Weight Watcher point system.
Whole 30Whole 30
The Whole 30 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Whole 30' logo.
Whole30 ApprovedWhole30 Approved
The official Whole30 Approved label is designed to let you know a product is 100% compliant with the rules of the Whole30 program.

State/Country Specific Endorsements

American Flag (Generic)American Flag (Generic)
The American Flag (Generic) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the American Flag (Generic) Cert logo.
BPS Certified Product QualityBPS Certified Product Quality
The BPS Certified Product Quality Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'BPS Certified Product Quality' logo.
Brasil InspectedBrasil Inspected
The Brasil Inspected Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Brasil Inspected Cert logo.
Certified 100% Idaho PotatoesCertified 100% Idaho Potatoes
The Certified 100% Idaho Potatoes attribute is given to products that bear the 'Certified 100% Idaho Potatoes' logo. This certification indicates that the potatoes in the product are grown in Idaho. This logo must be used by any company or individual packing fresh Idaho® potatoes
Certified South Carolina ProductCertified South Carolina Product
The Certified SC Grown shield is provided to products that take part in the Certified SC Grown program, which is a cooperative effort between producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers and the South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) to promote South Carolina products.
Colorado ProudColorado Proud
The Colorado Proud Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Colorado Proud Cert logo.
Go TexanGo Texan
The Go Texan Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Go Texan Cert logo.
Grown in IdahoGrown in Idaho
The Grown In Idaho attribute is given to products that bear the 'Grown In Idaho' logo. This certification indicates that potatoes in product are grown in Idaho. This logo may be used by any company or individual packing fresh Idaho® potatoes.
Grown in the USA RiceGrown in the USA Rice
The Grown in the USA Rice Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Grown in the USA Rice Cert logo.
Hecho En Mexico (Made in Mexico)Hecho En Mexico (Made in Mexico)
The Hecho En Mexico (Made in Mexico) Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Hecho en Mexico' logo. This logo indicates that the product was Made in Mexico.
Kentucky Proud CertKentucky Proud Cert
The Kentucky Proud Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Local First ArizonaLocal First Arizona
The Local First Arizona Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Local First Arizona Cert logo.
Master's Mark WisconsinMaster's Mark Wisconsin
The Master's Mark Wisconsin Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Master's Mark Wisconsin logo.
New York State Certified CertNew York State Certified Cert
The New York State Certified Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
New York State Grown and CertifiedNew York State Grown and Certified
New York State Grown & Certified is the first statewide, multi-faceted food certification program designed to strengthen consumer confidence in New York products, address food product labeling, and assist New York farmers so they can take advantage of the growing market demand for foods locally grown and produced to a higher standard.
PA Preferred CertPA Preferred Cert
PA Preferred is a state-supported agricultural marketing program. The State Department of Agriculture launched the PA Preferred program to identify and promote food and agricultural products grown, produced or processed in Pennsylvania.
Pride of New YorkPride of New York
The certification mark, as used by persons authorized by the certifier, certifies that the agricultural and food products are grown or processed within New York State in accordance with standards set forth in a Department of Agriculture and Markets promotion program.
Quality USA PeanutQuality USA Peanut
The USA Quality Peanuts logo is placed on peanut products that have US origins. The certification is regulated by Peanuts USA.
Real California CheeseReal California Cheese
The Real California Cheese Seal is a certification mark that assures consumers they are purchasing natural cheese, made in California exclusively with California milk.
Real California MilkReal California Milk
The Real California Milk seal is applied to dairy products that are made with 100% California milk.
State/Country Specific EndorsementsState/Country Specific Endorsements Certified
The State/Country Specific Endorsements Cert attribute includes all products that bear an endorsement from a specific State or Country.
Virginia's FinestVirginia's Finest
The Virginia's Finest Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Virginia's Finest' logo.
Virginia's Finest 2Virginia's Finest 2
The Virginia's Finest 2 Cert attribute include all products that bear the Virginia's Finest 2 Cert logo.
Virginia's Finest 3Virginia's Finest 3
The Virginia's Finest 3 Cert attribute include all products that bear the Virginia's Finest 3 Cert logo.
West Virginia Aluminum TaxWest Virginia Aluminum Tax
The West Virginia Aluminum Tax Cert attribute includes all products that bear the West Virginia Aluminum Tax Cert logo.
Wisconsin CheeseWisconsin Cheese
The Wisconsin Cheese Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Wisconsin Cheese Cert logo.
Wisconsin DairyWisconsin Dairy Cert
The Wisconsin Dairy Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Wisconsin Dairy logo.


Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a sustainability certification (dolphin safe, reusable energy, marine stewardship, etc) using only on package data for attribution.

100% Recycled Paperboard100% Recycled Paperboard
The 100% Recycled Paperboard attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Aquaculture Stewardship Council CertifiedAquaculture Stewardship Council Certified
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council is an independent, international non-profit organization that manages the world’s leading certification and labelling programme for responsible aquaculture.

Bef.Org Clean EnergyBef.Org Clean EnergyThe Bef.Org Clean Energy Certification attribute includes all products that bear the Bef.Org Clean Energy Certification logo.
Bef.Org Water FootprintBef.Org Water FootprintThe Bef.Org Water Footprint Certification attribute includes all products that bear the Bef.Org Water Footprint Certification logo.
Best AquaCulture Practices CertifiedBest AquaCulture Practices Certified
Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) is an international, 3rd party certification system that verifies environmentally and socially responsible processes under which finfish, crustaceans and mussels are produced. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Biodynamic CertificationBiodynamic Certification
The Biodynamic Certified includes all products that have published the Demeter USA Certified Biodynamic Certification on their package.
Blue Sky Renewable EnergyBlue Sky Renewable Energy
The Blue Sky Renewable Energy Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Blue Sky Renewable Energy' logo.
Blue Sky Renewable Energy Program CertBlue Sky Renewable Energy Program Cert
The Blue Sky Renewable Energy Program Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Carton Made With Wind EnergyCarton Made With Wind Energy
The Carton Made with Wind Energy Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Carton Made With Wind Energy' logo.
Certified B CorporationCertified B Corporation
Certified B Corporations voluntarily meet the highest standards of verified, overall social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability. B Corps are certified by the nonprofit organization B Lab.
Certified Green Partners CertCertified Green Partners Cert
Certified Green Partners® (CGP) is an international and independent educational and certification organization committed to promoting the integration of sustainable practices across all industries.The CGP program is a combination of existing global environmental standards and practices, in order to help companies ensure quality, safety and efficiency.
Certified Sustainable EconomicsCertified Sustainable Economics
The Certified Sustainable Economics Attribute is provided to products that bear the Certified Sustainable Economics logo. "Certified Sustainable Economics" stands for certified sustainability in companies and confirms that they are demonstrably ecologically and socially active.
Clean Wind EnergyClean Wind Energy
The Clean Wind Energy Cert attribute include all products that bear the Clean Wind Energy Cert logo.
Cocoa LifeCocoa Life
The Cocoa Life Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Cocoa Life Cert logo.
Conservation InternationalConservation International
The Conservation International Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Conservation International Cert Base logo.
Control Union CertifiedControl Union Certified
The Control Union Certified attribute is given to products that bear the 'Control Union Certified' certification logo.
Control Union Fair ChoiceControl Union Fair Choice
The Control Union Fair Choice Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Control Union Fair Choice' logo.
Cradle to CradleCradle to Cradle
The Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard guides designers and manufacturers through a continual improvement process that looks at a product through five quality categories - material health, material reutilization, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship, and social fairness. A product receives an achievement level in each category - Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum - with the lowest achievement level representing the product's overall mark. The initial capturing of this began on 02/14/2015.
Cradle to Cradle GoldCradle to Cradle Gold
The Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard guides designers and manufacturers through a continual improvement process that looks at a product through five quality categories - material health, material reutilization, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship, and social fairness. A product receives an achievement level in each category - Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum - with the lowest achievement level representing the product's overall mark. The initial capturing of this began on 02/14/2015.
Direct Trade CertifiedDirect Trade Certified
Counter Culture Direct Trace Certified is a unique certification that applies to Counter Culture coffee products. Counter Culture coffee's standards include fair and sustainable prices, personal and direct communication with their growers, exceptional quality and 100% transparency.
Direct Trade Certified CacaoDirect Trade Certified Cacao
Taza Chocolate Direct Trade Certified Cacao is a unique certification created by Taza Chocolate that is the first third-party certified Direct Trade cacao sourcing program that ensures quality and transparency for all.
Direct Trade Certified CocoaDirect Trade Certified Cocoa
Madecasse Direct Trade Certified Cocoa is a unique certification to Madecasse chocolates that depicts the brands Direct Trade efforts in order to improve farmer income, and bridge the gap between grower, producer and consumer.
Direct Trade CoffeeDirect Trade Coffee
Direct Trade Fresh Roasted Coffee is unique to Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC coffee products. The Direct Trade coffee selection is the product of collaborative relationships with farmers and families all over the world and is created by developing personal relationships, making origin visits and paying fair market prices.
Dolphin SafeDolphin Safe
The Earth Island Dolphin Safe certification on the label represents a tuna companies pledge to abide by the Earth Island international ‰ÛÏDolphin Safe‰Û tuna standards of no encirclement of dolphins or other marine mammals during an entire fishing trip, no accidental deaths or serious injuries of any dolphins, and no use of drift gill nets. The initial capture of this began on 09/25/2015.
Dolphin Safe 2Dolphin Safe 2
The Dolphin Safe certification on the label represents a tuna companies pledge to compliance with laws or policies designed to minimize encirclement of dolphins or other marine mammals during an entire fishing trip, minimize accidental deaths or serious injuries of any dolphins, and minimize use of drift gill nets.
Dolphin Safe 3Dolphin Safe 3
The Dolphin Safe 3 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Dolphins Safe 3' logo.
Dolphin Safe 4Dolphin Safe 4
The Dolphin Safe 4 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Dolphins Safe 4' logo.
Dolphin Safe 5Dolphin Safe 5
The Dolphin Safe 5 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Dolphins Safe 5' logo.
Dolphin Safe 6Dolphin Safe 6
The Dolphin Safe 6 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Dolphin Safe 6 Cert logo.
Ethical Tea PartnershipEthical Tea Partnership
The Ethical Tea Partnership Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Ethical Tea Partnership Cert logo.
Ethically Traded Sustainably SourcedEthically Traded Sustainably Sourced
The Ethically Traded Sustainably Sourced Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Ethically Traded Sustainably Sourced' logo.
Food Alliance CertifiedFood Alliance Certified
Food Alliance Certified attribute includes all products that present a Food Alliance Certified logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Friend of the SeaFriend of the Sea
The Friend of the Sea attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
FSC certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. The FSC Principles and Criteria provide a foundation for all forest management standards globally, including the FSC US National Standard (v1.0) that guides forest management certification in the US.
GloryBee Save the Bee CertGloryBee Save the Bee Cert
The GloryBee Save the Bee Cert attribute includes all products that bear a GloryBee Save the Bee Cert.
Green America Approved for People and Planet CertGreen America Approved for People and Planet Cert
The People & Planet Award recognizes US small businesses for their dedication to a green economy.
Green America Certified Business BronzeGreen America Certified Business Bronze
The Green America Certified Business Bronze certification attribute includes all products that have published the Green America Certified Business Bronze seal on their packaging. Businesses earn this seal after staff at Green America's Green Business Network reviews and approves their application.
Green America Certified Business GoldGreen America Certified Business Gold
The Green America Certified Business Gold certification attribute includes all products that have published the Green America Certified Business Gold seal on their packaging. Businesses earn this seal after completing additional work beyond general certification. Their application has been reviewed and approved by the Standards and Certification Committee, appointed by Green America's Board of Directors.
Green America Certified Business SilverGreen America Certified Business Silver
The Green America Certified Business Silver certification attribute includes all products that have published the Green America Certified Business Silver seal on their packaging. Businesses earn this seal after staff at Green America's Green Business Network reviews and approves their application.
Green Seal CertGreen Seal Cert
Green Seal offers third-party certification based on leadership sustainability standards that help protect the natural world and human health. Green Seal has been actively identifying and promoting sustainability to industries, purchasers and consumers, and helping organizations be greener in a real and effective way. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
GREEN-E ORG attribute includes all products that present a GREEN-E ORG logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
GreenPalm SustainabilityGreenPalm Sustainability
The GreenPalm Sustainability attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
HyVee Responsible ChoiceHyVee Responsible Choice
Seafood products bearing the “Responsible Choice” symbol meet Hy-Vee’s policy and are caught or farmed in a responsible manner. Specifically, these options are rated as either Green ‘Best Choices’ or Yellow ‘Good Alternatives’ by the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program, or are certified to an environmental standard benchmarked to at least these ratings.
I'm Green - 100% Biobased ASTM VerifiedI'm Green - 100% Biobased ASTM Verified
The I'm Green - 100% Biobased ASTM Verified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the I'm Green - 100% Biobased ASTM Verified Cert logo.
I'm Green - 100% Biobased Plastic ASTM VerifiedI'm Green - 100% Biobased Plastic ASTM Verified
The I'm Green - 100% Biobased Plastic ASTM Verified Cert attribute includes all products that bear the I'm Green - 100% Biobased Plastic ASTM Verified Cert logo.
The ICEA Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'ICEA' logo.
Integrity and Sustainability Certified (SWSA)Integrity and Sustainability Certified (SWSA)
The Integrity and Sustainability Certified seal appears on each container of wine or estate brandy which has been certified by the Wine and Spirit Board. This seal is a guarantee of origin, vintage and variety as stated on the wine label. Sustainable Wine South Africa (SWSA) is the alliance between the Wine and Spirit Board (WSB), the Integrated Production of Wine (IPW) scheme and Wines of South Africa (WOSA). Together these organisations are driving the South African wine industry's commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly production.
International Pole & Line Foundation Supporting Member CertInternational Pole & Line Foundation Supporting Member Cert
The International Pole & Line Foundation Supporting Member Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Made with Renewable EnergyMade with Renewable Energy
The Made With Renewable Energy Cert includes all products that bear the 'Made With Renewable Energy' logo.
Marine Stewardship CouncilMarine Stewardship Council
The MSC is the world's leading certification and ecolabelling program for sustainable seafood. Products with this certification are considered to be sourced from seafood following sustainable practices.
Marine Stewardship Council 2Marine Stewardship Council 2
The Marine Stewardship Council 2 Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Marine Council Certified (Option 2)' certification logo. Using their fisheries certification and seafood labelling program, the MSC works with partners to promote sustainable fishing and transform markets.
Monterey Bay Area GBPMonterey Bay Area GBP
The Monterey Bay Area CBP Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Monterey Bay Area CBP' logo.
NFI Crab Council CertNFI Crab Council Cert
The NFI Crab Council Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
NSF Sustainability CertifiedNSF Sustainability Certified
The NSF Sustainability certification attribute includes all products that have published the NSF Sustainability Certified seal on their packaging.
Our Commitment to SustainabilityOur Commitment to Sustainability
We are committed to providing premium, restaurant-quality seafood that is sourced in accordance with our Responsible Seafood Policy. Our carefully selected seafood is either certified or rated by leading third-party sources that share our standards for environmental and social responsibility, traceability and food safety.
PEFC CertifiedPEFC Certified
The PEFC Certified attribute is given to products that bear the PEFC Certified logo. This certification signifies that the product is from sustainable managed forests, recycled and controlled sources. PEFC Chain of Custody is the process of handling information on the origin of forest-based products and allows an organisation to make accurate and verifiable claims on the content of sustainably certified material. This proves that each step of the supply chain from the forest to the end user has been monitored closely through independent auditing.
Printed with Soy InkPrinted with Soy InkThe Printed With Soy Ink Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Printed With Soy Ink Cert logo
Protected Harvest Certified Sustainable CertProtected Harvest Certified Sustainable Cert
The Protected Harvest Certified Sustainable Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Rainforest Alliance CertifiedRainforest Alliance Certified
Products bearing the seal originate on--or contain ingredients sourced from--Rainforest Alliance Certified farms or forests. These farms and forests are managed according to rigorous environmental, social and economic criteria designed to conserve wildlife; safeguard soils and waterways; protect workers, their families and local communities; and increase livelihoods in order to achieve true, long-term sustainability.
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
The Renewable Energy Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Renewable Energy' logo.
Rooted Foods CertRooted Foods Cert
The Rooted Foods Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil CertRoundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Cert
In 2008, the RSPO developed a set of environmental and social criteria which companies must comply with in order to produce Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). When they are properly applied, these criteria can help to minimize negative impacts. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Credits CertRoundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Credits Cert
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Credits Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
SBI Seal of Sustainability CertSBI Seal of Sustainability Cert
The SBI Seal of Sustainability Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
SCS CertifiedSCS Certified
The SCS certification includes all products that have published the SCS stamp on their package.
SCS Global Services Certified Sustainably Grown CertSCS Global Services Certified Sustainably Grown Cert
The SCS Global Services Certified Sustainably Grown Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
SGP FacilitySGP Facility
The SGP Facility Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'SGP Facility' logo.
Sustainability CertifiedSustainability Certified
The Sustainability Certified certification group includes products that have any sustainability certification on their package.
Sustainability Quality FamilySustainability Quality Family
The Sustainability Quality Family Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Sustainability Quality Family' logo.
Sustainable Business Leader Program Certified CertSustainable Business Leader Program Certified Cert
The Sustainable Business Leader Program Certified Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Sustainable EnergySustainable Energy
The Sustainable Energy Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Sustainable Energy' logo.
Sustainable Food Trade Association CertSustainable Food Trade Association Cert
The Sustainable Food Trade Association Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Sustainable Forestry InitiativeSustainable Forestry Initiative
The SFI 2015-2019 Forest Management Standard promotes responsible forestry practices. Its requirements include measures to protect water quality, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, species at risk and forests with exceptional conservation value. The standard is for any organization in the United States or Canada that owns or manages forests.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative Certified SourcingSustainable Forestry Initiative Certified Sourcing
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative Certified Sourcing Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Certified Sourcing Cert logo
TerraCycle offers free recycling programs funded by brands, manufacturers, and retailers around the world to help you collect and recycle your hard-to-recycle waste.
Trusted CatchTrusted Catch
The Trusted Catch Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Trusted Catch' logo.
USA Honey Bee CertificationUSA Honey Bee Certification
The USA Honey Bee Certification attribute includes all products that bear the USA Honey Bee Certification logo.
U.S. Green Building Council - LeedU.S. Green Building Council - Leed
The U.S. Green Building Council- Leed Cert attribute include all products that bear the U.S. Green Building Council- Leed Cert logo.
The UL Ecologo Cert attribute includes all products that bear the UL Ecologo Cert logo.
USDA Certified Biobased ProductUSDA Certified Biobased Product
The USDA Certified Biobased Product label on a product that states its third-party tested and verified biobased content. The purpose of this label is to make it easy for consumers to locate and compare biobased products for purchase. The initial capture of the certification started on 11/02/2015.
UTZ Certified CocoaUTZ Certified Cocoa
The Utz Certified Cocoa Cert attribute is given to products that bear the Utz Certified Cocoa logo. This logo is placed on Utz Cocoa products whose production practices comply with their sustainable farming standards.
Whole Foods Responsibly FarmedWhole Foods Responsibly Farmed
The Whole Foods Responsibly Farmed Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Whole Foods Responsibly Farmed' logo.
Youth TradeYouth Trade
Youth Trade is built on a simple yet game changing idea: providing markets for goods of young entrepreneurs under the age of 35. YouthTrade was designed to align Conscious companies with Conscious entrepreneurs. The initial capture of the certification started on March 23, 2015.
Zero Waste Business Council CertifiedZero Waste Business Council Certified
U.S. Zero Waste Business Council Certification Program is created by U.S. Zero Waste Business Council. It is the first third-party Zero Waste Facility Certification program for facilities that meet the requests of Zero Waste Business for a valid, comprehensive verification of their Zero Waste achievements.
Zero Waste Business Council GoldZero Waste Business Council Gold
The Zero Waste Business Council Gold Certification attribute includes all products that bear the Zero Waste Business Council Gold Certification logo.


The USDA attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
USDA AA Grade EggsUSDA AA Grade Eggs
The USDA Grade AA for eggs cert is a USDA shell egg grading that is a voluntary service paid for by shell egg producers. As an independent third
party, USDA is recognized for assuring that eggs meet the U.S. grade standards for quality and sanitary
processing. Grade AA is the freshest and highest quality eggs.
USDA CertifiedUSDA Certified
The USDA Certified Cert attribute includes all products that bear one of the various USDA logos.
USDA ChoiceUSDA Choice
The USDA Choice shield signifies that the beef has been certified USDA Choice. Choice beef is high quality, but has less marbling than Prime. It has at least a Small amount of marbling.
USDA Grade AUSDA Grade A
The USDA grade shields, official seals and labels are reputable symbols of the quality and integrity of American agricultural products. The initial capture of the certification started on 03/25/2015. Grade A is the highest quality and the only grade that is likely to be seen at the retail level. This grade indicates that the poultry products are virtually free from defects such as bruises, discolorations, and feathers. Bone-in products have no broken bones. For whole birds and parts with the skin on, there are no tears in the skin or exposed flesh that could dry out during cooking, and a good covering of fat under the skin. Also, whole birds and parts will be fully fleshed and meaty.
USDA Grade A Shield PoultryUSDA Grade A Shield Poultry
The USDA Grade A Shield Poultry Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Grade A Shield Poultry Cert logo.
USDA Grade AA (Red/Blue) - Dairy ProductsUSDA Grade AA (Red/Blue) - Dairy Products
The USDA Grade AA shield is applied to butter and cheeses that have United States grade standards. These standards are based on measurable attributes, such as flavor, body, and texture that describe the value and utility of the product. USDA must grade the butter and cheese in the final package.
USDA Grade AA ButterUSDA Grade AA Butter
The USDA Grade AA Butter attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
USDA Graded Prod Packed Under Inspec. No. 1USDA Graded Prod Packed Under Inspec. No. 1
The USDA Graded Prod Packed Under Inspec. No. 1 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Graded Prod Packed Under Inspec. No. 1 Cert logo.
USDA Inspection Exotic Animals (Option 2)USDA Inspection Exotic Animals (Option 2)
THE USDA Voluntary Inspection for Exotic Animal (option 2) shield signifies that the product has undergone voluntary federal inspection. Voluntary Federal inspection for animals not covered under mandatory inspection (i.e., buffalo, rabbit, reindeer, elk, deer, antelope) is handled under the Agricultural Marketing Act. For application to exotic animal carcasses, primal parts and cuts therefrom, exotic animal livers, exotic animal tongues, and exotic animal hearts.
USDA Inspection Grade A- F/VUSDA Inspection Grade A- F/V
The USDA Inspection Grade A- F/V Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Inspection Grade A- F/V Cert logo.
USDA Inspection mark on poultryUSDA Inspection mark on poultry
USDA Inspection mark on poultry
USDA Inspection Mark on processed eggUSDA Inspection Mark on processed egg
USDA Inspection mark on egg
USDA Inspection mark on raw meatUSDA Inspection mark on raw meat
USDA Inspection mark on processed products
USDA Inspection Marks - F/VUSDA Inspection Marks - F/V
The USDA Inspection Marks - F/V Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Inspection Marks - F/V Cert logo.
USDA PrimeUSDA Prime
USDA Prime Certification
USDA Process VerifiedUSDA Process Verified
The USDA Process Verified Program uses the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 9000 series standards for documented quality management systems as a format for evaluating program documentation to ensure consistent auditing practices and promote international recognition of audit results.
USDA Processed Product Inspection Mark F/VUSDA Processed Product Inspection Mark F/V
The USDA Processed Product Inspection Mark F/V Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Processed Product Inspection Mark F/V Cert logo.
USDA Processed Product Inspection Marks F/V 2USDA Processed Product Inspection Marks F/V 2
The USDA Processed Product Inspection Marks F/V 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Processed Product Inspection Marks F/V 2 Cert.
USDA Qualified Through Verification (QTV) F/VUSDA Qualified Through Verification (QTV) F/V
The USDA Qualified Through Verification (QTV) F/V attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
USDA Quality MonitoredUSDA Quality Monitored
The USDA Quality Monitored attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
USDA Shell Egg Grade AUSDA Shell Egg Grade A
The USDA Shell Egg Grade A Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Shell Egg Grade A Cert logo.
USDA Shell Egg Grade AA Red/BlueUSDA Shell Egg Grade AA Red/Blue
The USDA Shell Egg Grade AA Red/Blue Cert attribute includes all products that bear the USDA Shell Egg Grade AA Red/Blue Cert logo.
USDA Voluntary Inspection Exotic AnimalsUSDA Voluntary Inspection Exotic Animals
THE USDA Voluntary Inspection for Exotic Animal shield signifies that the product has undergone voluntary fedreal inspection. Voluntary Federal inspection for animals not covered under mandatory inspection (i.e., buffalo, rabbit, reindeer, elk, deer, antelope) is handled under the Agricultural Marketing Act. For application to exotic animal carcasses, primal parts and cuts therefrom, exotic animal livers, exotic animal tongues, and exotic animal hearts.
USDA Yield Grade 1USDA Yield Grade 1
USDA Yield Grade 1 Certification


Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a vegan certification (by an accredited vegan certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

Certified VeganCertified Vegan
The Certified Vegan Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Certified Vegan' logo.
Certified Vegan (American Vegetarian Association)Certified Vegan (American Vegetarian Association)
The AVA CERTIFIED logo is applied to food and beverage products that are VEGAN (no animal by-products) by the American Vegetarian Association. Any alteration of the certified ingredient claim must be submitted to the AVA immediately. The AVA is trusted to maintain the absolute integrity of it's certification program, and to unfailingly assure the general public AVA Certification represents the highest ethical standards.
Certified Vegan ( Vegan (
Certified Vegan logo is administered by Vegan Action, for products that do not contain animal products or byproducts and that have not been tested on animals.
Cruelty Free and VeganCruelty Free and Vegan
The Cruelty Free Vegan shield is applied to food and beverage products that signed PETA’s statement of assurance or provided a statement verifying that they do not conduct or commission any animal tests on ingredients, formulations, or finished products and that they pledge not to do so in the future.
Edward & Sons Trading Company, Inc.Edward & Sons Trading Company, Inc.
Edward & Sons Trading Company attribute includes all products that present a Edward & Sons Trading Company Vegan logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
NFC Vegan CertNFC Vegan Cert
The NFC Vegan Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Small Vegan VSmall Vegan V
The Small Vegan V Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Small Vegan V' logo.
The Vegan Society Trademark SunflowerThe Vegan Society Trademark Sunflower
The Vegan Trademark Certification shield is a beacon for attracting vegan consumers, their families and friends. The sunflower can be found on food and drink, beauty products, toiletries, cleaning products and services
The Vegan Leaf Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Vegan Leaf' logo.
Vegan (2 Leaves)Vegan (2 Leaves)
The Vegan (2 Leaves) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Vegan (2 leaves)' logo.
Vegan (3 Leaves)Vegan (3 Leaves)
The Vegan (3 Leaves) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Vegan (3 Leaves)' logo.
Vegan (Black Circle)Vegan (Black Circle)
The Vegan (Black Circle) Cert attribute is given to products that bear the black circle 'Vegan' logo.
Vegan (Leaf V)Vegan (Leaf V)
The Vegan Leaf V Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Vegan Leaf V' logo.
Vegan (Leaves Under V)Vegan (Leaves Under V)
The Vegan (Leaves Under V) Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Vegan (Leaves Under V)' logo.
Vegan (V Circle)Vegan (V Circle)
The Vegan V Circle Cert attribute is given to product that bear the 'Vegan V' circular logo.
Vegan 2Vegan 2
The Vegan 2 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Vegan 2' logo.
Vegan 3Vegan 3
The Vegan 3 Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Vegan 3' logo.
Vegan by EarthKosherVegan by EarthKosher
EarthKosher Vegan is certified by EarthKosher Certification Agency.
Vegan CertifiedVegan Certified
The Vegan Certified attribute includes any food or beverage product that has a symbol, logo, or certification relating to or claiming to be vegan.
Vegan FriendlyVegan Friendly
The Vegan Friendly Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Vegan Friendly' logo.
Vegan LifestyleVegan Lifestyle
The Vegan Lifestyle attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Vegan Natural Food CertifiersVegan Natural Food Certifiers
Vegan Natural Food Certifiers attribute includes all products that present a Vegan Natural Food Certifiers logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Vegan OK CertVegan OK Cert
The Vegan OK Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Vegecert VeganVegecert Vegan
The Certified Vegan by VegCert attribute is given to products that bear the Certified Vegan by VegCert logo.
Viva! Vegan CertViva! Vegan Cert
The Viva! Vegan Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Viva! Vegan Cert logo.
Whole Foods VeganWhole Foods Vegan
The Whole Foods Vegan Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Whole Foods Vegan' logo.


Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a vegetarian certification (by an accredited vegetarian certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

American Vegetarian AssociationAmerican Vegetarian Association
The American Vegetable Association Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'American Vegetable Association' logo.
American Vegetarian Association - Certified VegetarianAmerican Vegetarian Association - Certified Vegetarian
The American Vegetarian Association (AVA) was created to promote the interests and concerns of individuals and organizations involved in the preservation, propagation, and distribution of vegetarian ideas and products
Green Dot CertGreen Dot Cert
The Green Dot Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Green Dot Cert.
Non-Vegetarian symbol of India (brown)Non-Vegetarian symbol of India (brown)
Non-Vegetarian symbol of India attribute includes all products that present a Non-Vegetarian symbol of India logo. The initial capture of the certification started on 6/23/2015.
Vegecert Vegetarian CertVegecert Vegetarian Cert
The Vegecert Vegetarian Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Vegetarian CertifiedVegetarian Certified
The Vegetarian Certified certification group includes products that have any vegetarian certification on their package.
Vegetarian MovementVegetarian Movement
The Vegetarian Movement certification signifies that a product meets vegetarian requirements (i.e. does not contain meat).
Vegetarian Society ApprovedVegetarian Society Approved
The Vegetarian Society Approved logo is found on products that are approved by the UK's Vegetarian Society. The trademark is the UK's most widely recognised vegetarian symbol
Vegetarian symbol of India (green)Vegetarian symbol of India (green)
The Vegetarian Symbol of India (green) certification includes all products that have published the Vegetarian Symbol of India (green) stamp on their package.
Whole Foods VegetarianWhole Foods Vegetarian
The Whole Foods Vegetarian Cert attribute includes all products that bear the 'Whole Foods Vegetarian' logo.

Whole Grain

Indicates whether the product meets the criteria for a whole grain certification (by an accredited whole grain certifying agent) using only on package data for attribution.

100% Whole Grain100% Whole Grain
The 100% Whole Grain Council attribute includes any food or beverage product that has a published 100% Whole Grain stamp as authorized by the Whole Grain Council.
50% Whole Grain50% Whole Grain
The 50 Percent Plus whole grain cert includes all food and beverage products that contain the 50% or more Whole Grain stamp.
Go with the GrainGo with the Grain
The Go with the Grain attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.
Grains for LifeGrains for Life
The Grains for Life Cert attribute is given to products that bear the 'Grains for Life' logo.
Whole Grain CertificationWhole Grain Certification
If a product bears the 100% Stamp, then all its grain ingredients are whole grains. There is a minimum requirement of 16g (16 grams) - a full serving - of whole grain per labeled serving, for products using the 100% Stamp. If a product bears the Basic Stamp, it contains at least 8g (8 grams) - a half serving - of whole grain, but may also contain some refined grain. Even if a product contains large amounts of whole grain (23g, 37g, 41g, etc.), it will use the Basic Stamp if it also contains extra bran, germ, or refined flour. Each Stamp also shows a number, telling you how many grams of whole grain ingredients are in a serving of the product.
Whole Grain CouncilWhole Grain Council
The Whole Grain Council certification includes all products that have published a Whole Grain stamp as authorized by the Whole Grain Council.
Whole Grain Council - Excellent SourceWhole Grain Council - Excellent Source
The Whole Grain Council - Excellent Source Cert attribute includes all products that bear the Whole Grain Council - Excellent Source logo.
Whole Grain Council Canada CertWhole Grain Council Canada Cert
The Whole Grain Council Canada Cert attribute indicates this particular logo or certification is present on package.

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